as soon as the SuperNET asset is distributed, TOKEN loses all value so I strongly advise to remove any TOKEN bids in the AE after 1400 GMT on Tuesday
I believe this information this changed.
It's possible that the plan for going from TOKEN->SuperNET on the Nxt AE is changing and that it will now happen via a share swap. TOKEN holders will have to send their asset to an address and only then will they receive SuperNET. (This is to prevent confusion/scams in terms of TOKEN.) In this case TOKEN won't lose its value but will become extinct as it is all sent to Genesis (This is the way to destroy assets/Nxt in the Nxt system.)
Best to wait for James to confirm.
If you can get this working soon, then I confirm this.
can you confirm when you can get the swap working?
it doesnt (shouldnt?) be automated
I think every so often to do it manually so a list of already swapped can be made to prevent any errors
Current plan for ShareSwap Module:
1) Redeem ac specified. Original asset specified.
2) Module loops through all original assets sent to redeem ac and for each one...
a) Module checks sender_account, transactionID, amount of assets
b) Module checks for replacement assets sent to sender ac with above transactionID as unencrypted message.
c) If not found, then send appropriate amount of assets to sender account with transaction ID as unencrypted message
3) Module is rerun a few hours or days later. Each time, it should check and then ignore transactions involving assets already swapped.
Module will be able to be run in a 'checking' mode which will report the assets which need to be sent, but not do any sending (won't do part c). This can be used first to make sure there's nothing weird going on.
Hoping to have something available for testing tomorrow. Any flaws in the above prodecure?