Repost from SuperNET forum:
Tried to test the new SupernetV1.1 beta.
In the basic console I got "Error getting deposit address" errors (BTCD, Bitstar, Opal, Vericoin, VpnCoin).
Any ideas?
I just opened SuperNET wallet with a new account and got all the deposit addresses in less than a minute, so the service is working well. Have you tried to log in again? It's probably a simple case of bad timing, since occasionally during this early beta stage one server may be down for a little bit (although my stats give 95%+ uptime for the service) and generating the multisig deposit addresses requires all nodes to be active.
So please try again, you should get your deposit addresses without problem. Right now the only acknowledged issue with the service is that VPN requires a patch from the coin developer for VPN SuperNET withdraws to work - other than that, all is working pretty good.
I'm not very tech savvy. However, after seeing your post, I went to download SupernetV1.1 beta for Windows. Looks like Supernet V1.2 beta is available. So I downloaded it instead. It works perfectly for me. I even sent 1 BTCD from my BTCD wallet as a test. It showed up
. (Note: As this is a new wallet for me, some of the BTCD was converted to 10 NXT. )
I hadn't used SuperNet for quite awhile. So rather than waiting for the blockchain to catch up, I did this (and suggest it for all first time SuperNet users):
1. For the latest Supernet download, go to: 2. After Supernet has finished installing, get the updated block chain: (click the yellow download button at the bottom.)
3. After the download is complete, unzip the downloaded file.
4. Use the search tool (for Windows 7, it's the start button) to find: C:/ProgramData/nxt
5. Copy the “nxt_db” folder from the downloaded file and replace the existing nxt_db folder in C:/ProgramData/nxt.
6. Run SuperNet and you should be up to date.