I haven't seen any simple and clear explanation of this "proof". The document pallas is referring to just states that it is "quantum proof" and that's all.
Of cause you need to be very good in maths to understand "proof", but I think that if it was so in reality - someone could at least explain it in simple and understandable words. Usually if there are none then we just have "proof" that is written by someone.
It's the same situation as with well known math problem "How much of 5 angle figures exist that can fill endless square". It was mathimatically "proved" several times with very complicated "solutions" - At first for 5, then for 8, then for 9,10,11 figures ....... but each time new figure was found What is more interesting that 4 figures were found by a housewife . Now there are 15 known figures and noone knows if this is the end. There is a "proof" that 15 is finite quantity but the solution is too complex and noone trust it .
It is very enlightening example of so called "proofs" if they are very very complex and can't be expressed as simple as e=mc2.
If there will be any Quantum Computers then we will replace our algo with something more Quantum Resistant.
If you want to know or understand about our technologies then wait for the announcement of the Infinity Nodes. It is just around the corner mate and i want to hear what you think of it after the announcement!
Have you source for X25X algo?