color 02
timeout /t 30
sgminer kernel : scrypt130302 -I 13 --thread-concurrency 8192,8192,8192 --lookup-gap 2 -g 2 -w 256 --gpu-engine 1065,1065,1065 --gpu-memclock 1500,1500,1500 --temp-cutoff 90,90,90 --temp-overheat 85,85,85 --temp-target 68,68,68 --auto-fan --expiry 1 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 -o stratum+tcp:// -u Fortuneseeker.warflow1 -p kensei79
I've taken the settings from this guy;prev_next=next#new
though i have no idea what the expiry/scantime/queue bit do. but he has the same cards exactly as i do and is getting 700 + hash. anyway I get the "unexpected extra commandline arguments" error. I took out the expiry/scan-time/queue parts and got the same thing. I noticed that each card has its own setting and though he has different ones for each card for gpu engine as i'm starting i was keeping mine the same.
any help please
I dont think you need to tell sgminer to use scrypt as that is the only thing it does.
Let me know if that fixes it haha. I have a couple rigs using sgminer on windows 7