Hello, does anyone know if there is a monitoring app for TRM? Or at least an API for miner info.
TRM already had basic api but no documentation to use it, refer to sgminer i think
already ask to dev back in time, i think no interest on TRM using fancy api or standalone remote app
maybe the busy doing their life, atleast they had basic api
I believe we provide more info in our API than most other miners? The most common issue is that people expect a http-json api while the sgminer api is a plain old tcp/ip api. I personally think it's butt ugly, but there were reasons for choosing it: we needed an open source, _multi-algo_ api that was already supported by available tools. We could have rolled our own but then we'd have to push all 3rd parties to implement it, this way Awesome Miner was up and running with the click of a button.
But yeah, since sgminer is some old unknown dinosaur to most people in 2020, we should add our own documentation, and probably also wrap the api it in an embedded http server. It's been really long since someone asked for it now though, hasn't been a priority.