July 13th Terracoin Update - Proposals/PumpI write the weekly updates usually a few days ahead of time, so this one has two parts because of the on going pump.
PumpOver the past couple of days there has been a massive rise in the price of Terracoin (TRC) and it is continuing. We have gained a huge number of community members, and a lot of new ideas.
Check the numbers at the end of the weekly and make sure you get 10,000 TRC while it is still somewhat cheap so you can have a masternode!
ProposalsA lot of people have asked me about the first two proposals The Terracoin Foundation will be putting in once we have decentralized governance.
The first is a proposal to pay the team.
We want to keep attracting quality team members and we want to reward the team members who have already volunteered and worked so hard to get Terracoin where it is now.
We will be paying people depending on the amount of time spent working on Terracoin per month. This will include everyone who volunteers currently and future team members.
Obviously, everyone will have to be an official team member, and show proof of work. Sorry. I had to.
This first proposal will only last 6 months so that we can adjust pay up or down, or split off departments depending on the price of TRC.
The ledger of payment will be publicly available.
The second proposal we will put in is for TRC to sell for BTC to get on another exchange (most likely Bittrex).
Why are these the two most important?
We need to keep growing and rewarding the team so that we can innovate Terracoin even more in the future, and we need to keep expanding the base of people who has access to Terracoin.
That is it.
Innovate and grow.
CountdownReward halving ≈ 21 Days
Testnet = 2 Weeks
Hard fork = 10 Weeks
Numbers!!!First off, we just broke our all time 5 year volume record! Our volume in the last 24 hours was $328,627 USD. The highest previous volume I could find was January 3rd 2014 at $223,699 USD. That was back when Terracoin was still listed on BTC-E and it was going for $.60 USD a piece.
30 days ago we were at 0.00001448 BTC (.0392 USD) and today we are at 0.00008337 BTC (.1956 USD).
We are ranked 208 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $4,043,767 USD. Last week our market cap was $706,094 USD.
Donation AddressesTerracoin: 12bTKJL3UiypnVQMyFXg7eCJudAyAtgh6p
Bitcoin: 14LW52k8vhHvHaGfmgx48d3su4RcKPyKcc
Terracoin Donations for the World Address1BQH6gBzkxxyMQG3VSJCHnmVGfWu64nbPL
Public Slack Invitehttps://join.slack.com/t/terracoin/shared_invite/MjEzNDYxNDk2NDU0LTE0OTk5NzM4NzEtM2Q2MmQ0OWYzYQ
Public Telegram Invitehttps://t.me/joinchat/F3LRkQpQ2VQkAphfchl9Mw