May 18th Update – PoundingWow. The price of Terracoin sure took a pounding over the last week.
There are a three of theories about why this happened.
1. People saw Bitcoin take a slight drop instead of a steady increase so they cashed out altcoins.
2. A whale from the past appeared to dump their holdings.
3. The Terracoin Foundation is taking too long to implement DASH’s code so people have lost faith.
Let me address the third theory, since that is the most damaging theory.
I will admit that I am way overly optimistic when it comes to suggesting how long coding will take.
When we updated Terracoin from .8.4 to .9.12.1 it happened really quickly, but we only updated the necessary parts of the code to achieve the short term goals.
We are currently going back over the code and finding things that are now required to update such as the testnet, etc.
Adding the masternodes is a complicated experience not just because of the code, but because we want it to be as simple as possible to manage the masternodes and voting with decentralized governance.
We need to figure everything out, and get everything connecting to everything else.
Which is why I keep saying we want to test it for at least a month and a half.
So what does this all mean?
It means that The Terracoin Foundation is working hard, and you can help.
You can help by telling everyone that the DASH code is going to happen, a new website is going to happen, and we are going to have guides for everything.
You can invite everyone you know to the slack channel and you can offer any help or suggestions that you can. Here is the public slack channel link. It only lasts for another 24 days before I need to recreate it. in case you don’t understand how serious I am about Terracoin.
I have a back up person to take over just in case I die.
Here are the donation numbers. These donations are for attraction more developers. Please donate! Every new developer helps to implement and test the new code.
Terracoin Donations
34,656.89725820 TRC
Bitcoin Donations
.17194391 BTC
Now for the terrible numbers!These numbers aren’t really that terrible right now, but take a look at the 1 month or 7 day graph to see the beating Terracoin took.
30 days ago we were at 0.00001239 BTC (.0150 USD) and today we are at 0.00001264 BTC (.0240 USD.) In the past 7 days we have gone over the 2 cent price just once, which was right before I posted this.
We are ranked 257 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $470,252 USD. Last week our market cap was $384,615 USD.