With social betting you are referring to the option that you could copy other betters choices?
Please, notice that social betting network will be constructed by the users themselves. Every customer can choose one or many other users to whom he is subscribed. The subscription allows the customer to receive a service that provides sports analytics, XBM tokens in the lending mode, or other features such as premium content.
But what is the incentives for experts to share their opinions? Will they get any kind of reward for successful predictions?
On Betmatch analysts and experts will get an opportunity to direct and monetize their skills by influencing their subscription base.
The better is the record of their predictions, the more followers they get. Subscription-sellers (experts) will be able to define their own rules for subscribers - from free subscriptions up to a profit share from every successful bet of all players who are subscribed to him. They will also have an opportunity to lease out their tokens actively to subscribers in exchange for half of the commissions from the player.