Thank you for inquiry about our services; however, our site is heavily community focused.
Our community has voiced their concerns and nobody is liking it, the marketing is too vulgar, the coin itself is distasteful, our site is supposed to be family friendly and our users can be anything from 13 years of age and up.
As a community, we wish to be respectful to all users and our site is no place for .
Our aim is to continue to be the warm, welcoming, friendly place that it started out to be and there simply aren't enough women in the world of crypto, many of which hide behind male pseudonyms due to being made to feel unwelcome by a lot of users in this space.
We have a growing number of active female members and so, we have to decline any services for your coin, out of respect to the community at large.
I hope you can understand our position here and wish you nothing but the best.
TheCryptoChat Team & Community
But you can add other adult coins?, don't they offend the women too ? what about all the children seeing other adult coins in your community ?
What is it exactly is it that offends people about VGINA coin over there ? Marketing is Vulgar?
Don't hate on me because I choose a name no one else would. Or ya just being feisty because i declined your coin creation service ?