It has been a while since I used bold, red letters here. Now is the time.
TRI wallet update - Pharao release (Version - Please report any issues or bugs (and suggestions) in this thread! - What's new?- Refactored codebase
- QT5-based wallet
- Secure messaging over TOR
- Hardcoded seednode (no need for "-connect" or "-addnode" or downloading peers.dat)
- Working localisation/language files
- Coin control (enable it in options if u need/want it)
(list probably incomplete - will be completed later)
Downloads:WINDOWS wallet, v "Pharao":(single file with static libs - no need for additional dlls)
MAC wallet, v "Pharao" - SOON!bootstrap.datHow to use:1.) Back up your wallet: - Start the old TRI wallet and dump your keys private keys: Go into Debug console and type
dumpprivkey for every TRI address you want to keep (=probably those which have coins in it.) Note those keys somewhere, they are all u need to restore your wallet in any case.
- Additionally copy the "%appdata%\roaming\triangles" folder (Windows) to a safe place.
2.) Upgrade your wallet: - Delete everything but the wallet.dat in the "%appdata%\roaming\triangles" folder (keep the "onion" folder too if you want to keep your old TOR address).
- Place the downloaded bootstrap.dat in that folder.
- Start the new Triangles client and wait for it to import the bootstrap. This may take a while (so be patient!
) depending on the number of transactions you have (transactions include mining PoS blocks!). You can monitor progress in the debug.log file. Also your blk0001.dat constantly gains size until it has the same as the bootstrap file.
- Done.
In case you experience any problems (you shouldn't though) do the following: - Delete everything in "%appdata%\roaming\triangles" (keep the "onion" folder if you want to keep your TOR address).
- Start the new wallet client.
- A new, clean wallet is created.
- It doesn't matter that your wallet isn't synced at that point - and no need to wait for it. Import every private key via
"importprivkey in the debug console (your TRI adresses won't appear under "Receive coins" until you restart the wallet, you see them in your address book until then)
- Close and start the wallet again. You adresses should now appear in the "Receive coins" tab. Close the wallet again (no need to wait for syncing!).
- Continue exactly as described above ("Upgrade your wallet").
Additonal notes: - The wallet design is definitely a subject to change/improve. This doesn't require forking and will probably be released as a non mandatory update (when it's done).
- The reason why I reverted to 17691 blocks lies within the previous blockspamming. There were several TRI adresses with >10000 transactions in the blockchain @33xxx blocks. That vast amount caused trouble when operating those addresses with the wallet. The ~16000 blocks which were made "undone" shouldn't be a problem though: Most of those close-to-zero or zero reward blocks were generated by myself and StephenJH within 4 or 5 days. Bittrex disabled their wallet way before block 17691 so no coins are lost (except <10 TRI minted (overall) and maybe 100 or 200 coins sent to me from you guys. I can live with that!)
- To GitHub Repository isn't updated yet. I will update GitHub sometimes that weekend after I beautified the code a little (mostly removing commented out code). In case you are suspicious and in anticipation of possible FUD: Bittrex won't reopen the wallet without up-to-date GitHub sources. Also the blockexplorer will tell you at any point that I didn't do anything malicious.
(notes probably incomplete - will be completed later)
TRI's main specifications:X13 PoS over TOR
- now with secure messaging -
Coins in circulation: ~49.6k
Annual interest: 33%
Coin Cap: 120k
Confirmations: 4
Coin maturity: 7 blocks
Minimum stake age: 1 hour
Maximum stake age: 12 hours
Block time: 120 secs