How is triforce different from electroneum? Both are aiming to gaming market currency. Electroneum had a early and great start from their ico, they have mobile mining(although that probably is not a true mining) to do the marketing, awards electroneum through mobile mining, probably will attract a lot of attention from people who don't know about cryptocurrency to recognize them. How can triforce compete with electroneum?
No hate, just curious about it because i'm still a newbie in cryptocurrency.
Hi, good question. We see ourselves as completely different from both Electroneum, as well as many of our other competitors. We aim to provide real solutions to the gaming industry, solutions that benefit everyone within the industry and community. From the developer to the gamer, everyone that is within the TriForce Tokens network will be able to benefit from its technology and its solutions.
Although we don't have 'mining', we allow developers to set tasks/quests from players that grants players rewards in the form of our own crypto-currency upon completion. So in a sense, I guess you could argue that would be mining to a degree? We also allow players to trade between one another, as well as honour each other through the worlds first honouree system. The system will allow players to send/donate real crypto-currency (TFT - our currency) to others as a form of gratitude or in exchange of services.
We are also currently building a anti-piracy engine. Working alongside Coventry University, we aim to help bring piracy down to a more manageable level for game development companies. We are also currently building a social engagement platform for the gaming community, that will bring the entire community under one roof, regardless of the platforms you play on. We aim to have a beta version of the social engagement platform ready for our community by Feb 2018.
I hope this answered your question? If you still want to know more about TriForce Tokens, I strongly suggest checking out our website and our whitepaper. I will provide links below for you.
Website: Jake Ashby, General Manager TriForce Tokens