If you have a established pool, please let us know so we can update our website with list of pools. As of right now our network hash is over 84MH/s with a small fraction of that coming form Dutchpool so there has to be some more unannounced pools out there. In regards to pools and exchanges, give it some time. We just relaunched and our new website has hit over 32 countries after a story aired on Univision TV about it. Trust me when I say there will be more pools and exchanges coming your way soon.
In regards to the UFOlogy discussion, some of our new team members are experienced UFOlogists, paranormal investigators and production staff who has done many news stories over the years.
What is happening here?! Who are you and where did you come from? Where did you get the information and who gave you authority to post on behalf of the UFO Coin project?