How has the VPN service adoption rate been to bypass the great firewall? We have no way to check this metric do we?
Is there any work being done so that the VPN host can be OS's other than NT (I forget which kernel version). I think this restriction is stopping alot of people from hosting. For instance there are alot of Linux hosts out there that would add a vpn node but that is not possible ATM and no-one is going to change their Nix server to xp just to run a vpn node. This should be a priority if it isn't already, adding meta data to the blockchain is a nice feature but something that no-one really cares about.
You should make a list of current priorities in the OP and then the community can comment on them so that you can get our input.
How is the adoption on the chinese side? Do you have a Chinese marketing person that can speak english? If so you should also have them posting in this thread to keep us up to date on what is going on on that side. We are alienated by the language barrier over here. As has been mentioned even the documentation while translated is translated poorly and not readily understandable. Don't get me wrong though, we do see the amount of effort it took just to get it there. It just needs to be polished by a bi-lingual native english speaker.
Yes, our English needs to be strengthened, we are changing.
About VPN, in our country there are some legal risks, we can not focus on VPN.
We are changing, focused on blockchain development.
If you have changed direction then we are not interested in this new direction. You had a great concept and we backed and agreed with that. That is the reason why we here are even here and backed this coin. If you have given up on the initial direction of providing vpn services than there is no reason for us to continue to support this coin. If you are only changing direction because of fear then what you need to do is have someone that is not on the chinese side of the wall take over the DEV of the VPN portion and push it forward from this side where it is not in any jeopardy of being against any law. This will keep the original and only as far as I and I'm sure many others goal of this blockchain intact and moving forward. If you do not do this then I can guarantee that this coin will fail on this side at least and you have wasted all your effort from the start and should just rename the coin and rebrand.
Otherwise this coin will be nothing more than a P&D from our point of view and I think that would be a real shame. Maybe you should separate the code and remove the vpn on this chain if you are not going to support it and have a Dev from a less restrictive country launch it again. I hate to see this great Idea die but the way you are currently handling it you are killing it as far as we are concerned. That is why you are seeing no activity here. If you don't address this issue then I also will no longer feel the need to support this coin as I feel the entire basis that this project was based on is now gone and not only gone it has been gone for some time and you did not even bother to mention it to us. When did you plan on filling your supporters in on this very important direction change? We have been seeing this for awhile now and have been silent giving you the latitude to go in whatever direction you wanted as you had earlier stated you wanted to experiment with some features but never did you mention that the VPN support would be abandoned. You have a decision to make here and it will effect the success of this project immensely. Your reply to this is Extremely important so take some time to consider your options and if you need feel free to PM me or anyone in this thread you think may be of help on this matter.
I hope to continue to support this venture and await your reply.