Any plans to add Masternodes to this? It would open up a stream of possible cooperation with other projects like BCR and SPR, in fact every coin that is using my adaptation (i.e every coin cloned from CRAVE).
DS and IX are not necessary, just the MN implementation.
Masternodes are useless gimmicks imho. We all saw how they worked for Crave.
I have a different idea in mind. I have a working idea that wee can have certain types of nodes enabled for cross-network communication. Once we can communicate safely and securely, we can now have these nodes (bridges ) relaying messages (no action taken). After that we move to make them relay each other's transactions and get paid for it by whichever chain's tx they relayed.
This does not in anyway affect the base client, but allows networks to assist each other and get paid for it.
For the user this means a possible new revenue stream from running a node, and for developers it opens up the possiblity of cooperation in a cross-chain decentralized exchange with masternodes being the order-book servers.
Most of all that is futuristic, but the most immediately achievable goals are Masternodes on one chain comunicating with Masternodes on another chain. This is really up the dev and the community whether you wish to attempt this, we @ BCR are ready to cooperate with any group that wishes to.
Just a note....this is infinitely scalable. the increase in overheads is well within the landscape of Masternodes that are being run on VPS. For example, the combined data of Via and BCR is <500MB.
It's just something to think about, i think communities will always stand to win if there is more cooperation.