Status: 0/unconfirmed, in memory pool, broadcast through 5 node(s)
Date: 12-Aug-17 16:30
To: Romano donation addie VftnVwpiUx2jb2vL1MBQYe8s17YYKqQZER
Debit: -1000.00000000 VIA
Transaction fee: -0.00111100 VIA
Net amount: -1000.00111100 VIA
Transaction ID: 91474d87c2929e54607b7acdb513af47a07eeca8b4db55f54d1de978ab36a214
Output index: 0
$1,110 value at time sent, many thanks for all the effort!'re a nice guy
By the way Otoh, I remember you mentioned that you might be able to get Viacoin into the Chinese exchanges, how's that going ?
Ah yes, many thanks for the reminder, it was this post, I can't remember if I asked them about adding VIAcoin back then but will do so now anyway, finger's crossed:
btw, I heard from my BTCC contact yesterday that they'll be adding DASH and some other Alts in a few months, I must ask them to make sure that VIA is on the list.
"Hi Otoh,
I apologize for the late reply. We haven't introduced DASH and the other alts on our exchange, but we're planning to do so over the next months. I'll let you know once we do.
Edit, just checked, I had asked them back then as they'd asked which I'd be able to do some Alt market making on when they listed a few & I've now sent a reminder.
Thanks for the efforts Otoh!
For anyone new to crypto (or "Technical Analysis" guys)
BTCC is a Chinese Exchange
https://www.btcc.comI have to feeling a lot of people don't get this, but getting added to BTCC would be a
huge deal. It will probably gets more attention than the Segwit adoption and activation.
And this is market making