Why would he be worried to be sued if he has the license?
bassguitarman went through the debug log and found that some code that didn't obey some licensing somewhere - big fuckin deal, show me a closed-source code project that *doesn't* have unlicensed code in somewhere
honestly, i felt for this dev watching bassguitarman - just go read his posts, he didn't care what different reason he gave, he just attacked the project, because he saw it as a threat to Opal / Supernet. And each time he pretended he is doing it for some kind of moral justice while his own shitcoin go down the pan lol. Too many sociaopaths in crypto...
It doesnt matter what Bass did.. He could have been honest and iam sure the community could have helped out with the financing, that was talked about on Slack.. Instead he dissapeard for weeks
The dev made big mistakes. I am just saying the attack was big. Think if you are a dev and you not making much money out of it, and someone attacks you, then (allegedly) threatens your family and pretends to sue you from a fake lawyer - at what point do you just say f*** it? - it's probably a lot lower threshold than you think sitting on this side as an investor
The attack was Big? It was only Bass and perhaps Barabbas..
And the thing with Rakesh, He asked for weeks in a row why he wasnt able to use gateway in India, on here, viortalk and on Twitter.. After like a month the only response he got was; It doenst work in Asia, there's nothing i can do..I would be pissed as well.. ( i wouldnt threaten to hurt Chinedums family though)
Excuse me??? Barabbas has been trying to help this project from the get go. I still cannot believe this dev can be so incredibly stupid as even pay the slightest attention to anything Bassguitarman or anyone else says... and it is quite frankly just an excuse. truth of the matter is that he lacks the ability to carry over this project on the tech side and what he is as an anon dev coincides with the image of a poor sociopath unable to interact with anyone on any level.
On the basis of what little we know that it works on this project ALONE, VIORCOIN has a very strong probability of success if the dev stops acting like a 15 year old idiot, communicates HERE, seriously, THINKING before posting, somehow leasing some class and professionalism, at least a couple of times a week, preferably on a daily basis, and concentrate of the task at hand rather than the critical or negative or attacking -the project- posts. The attacks on him personally will cease immediately as soon as he posts, like I said, thinking with his head rather than his ass hole. And whatever small -and it is small- the community, will rally in his support completely ignoring the even more idiotic individuals such as bassguitarman and his laughable threats.
There's no trouble whatsoever in ignoring these idiots, most particularly that idiot. What you should do, dev, is forget about reddits, tweets, slacks or whatever and concentrate on posting here and posting well. And working developing your ideas or asking for help in carrying them through. Everyone will support your project. Everyone will support YOU.
But you have to stop acting like an idiotic 15 year old first. It's that simple.