My aim is to promote WBB and create demand for their products. Jesus, on the other hand has his own agenda that I'm sure he will rant about eventually. He sleeps stops by the incubator every couple months or so to crash on the couch for a few days before going back to wherever the homeless go. He's flat broke but prophetic as hell. He picks the horse, and I place the bet so to speak. So when I say that "we" have accumulated a modest chunk o WBB, I mean that
I accumulated the shares. I must warn you that he has absolutely no concept of "fiscal responsibility" or "fiduciary or custodial duty" so donate to him at your own risk.
Me, I already told you what I'm doing with the cash that we have already received plus whatever cash we will make up until the July 4th payput deadline. Have you forgotten already? Still starstruck, eh, well don't you worry my little kitties, big daddy warbucks ain't going nowhere (not with a the undumpable steak that I have). You have trust issues, scared, and whatnot, I get it.
So you want proof that I am in fact the Big CEO Kahuna of the Wild Beast DAO?
Even if I gave you proof of my awesomeness, I bet that you still would not quit screaming like groupies. I need you to instead get down to the serious business of growing the value of this business like Peter and I are doing (well, at least up until our last few posts).
want to see inside of my wallet? Why? Will it make you quit posting non value added shit here on our main marketing page to the world like a bunch of scared little pussies?
OK then, men, I will offer you a deal.
Since you are begging for it and threatening to spam Peter's thread unless I show you what's inside my pants, I will open my wallet to you and the universe to witness. But only if you give me something in return.
1. No more questions
2. Everyone here, me included must go back and edit their old posts in this thread to make it easier for newbies to read and learn about WBB. All that grab-ass price speculation BS must go. And anything less than world class grade A marketing or teaching must be deleted if we want to succeed.
So what do you say? Do you want to turn this thread into a 999 page barn burner about how many Satoshis you think that BJ2 would say that WBB is going to be worth next year? Or do you want this thread to be a launching pad for the coolest most mind blowing entrepreneurs who will come launch their Saturn 5's?
The answer is totally up to you forum. Let me see exactly how fast this community can reach a consensus.
Do we have a deal?
Thank you for an explanation!
Btw, I don't look into other's wallets and pockets, so whatever share of WBB you have, more valuable is your good intentions regarding Peter's developments. All sounded wierd initially!
At this point no more questions, and no more price wise BS.
Let's move on!