
Topic: [ANN] XAYA 🌟True Blockchain Gaming 🌟 Fully Decentralized Games - page 35. (Read 95293 times)

Activity: 1386
Merit: 1023

When did you want to do the CHI distribution from Polo?
Now or after the main sale?

I can talk to Polo (now Circle). I think it's likely they will help with distribution in some way as Tristan originally said.
They probably just want to let a little time pass to make sure everything is smooth. Maybe they are running it by "legal" as well.

But either way I will for sure have a word with new ownership if they backpedal.

Excited to see what Circle does with Polo, but starting off on a bad foot would not be cool.
A lot of old school people that made Polo what it is have stake in the snapshot.
Activity: 98
Merit: 16
guess we'll have to wait indeed...

But just in case I'm confirming I'm willing to help as an API identification would tell for sure who has what on Polo as you cannot claim the API on the behalf of someone else (except if that someone gives you his Poloniex credentials of course) and we can know through the API connexion how had HUC on Polo at the exact time of the snapshot. The only downside of doing so would be that HUC holder on Polo would have to manually register themselves through that interface to claim their coins and you would have to manually exclude Polo from the airdrop.

Again happy to help with that as I would prefer helping you and get my coins rather than doing nothing and rekt lol
Activity: 1807
Merit: 1020
Activity: 98
Merit: 16
Activity: 1807
Merit: 1020
Quick question to the dev... Would that be possible not to airdrop Poloniex but honor airdrops to HUC hunter holders on Polo at the time of the snapshot (can be proved by logs)? Just a question not a request of course but I'm getting a bit desperate today with these news from Polo Sad

There is no way for us to prove who and how much people had on poloniex for the airdrop.
This is the list of address with over 1k at the snapshot - the top one with 2.4 million  hucs is probably poloniex offline wallet.
The HUC block explorer has crashed today, so awaiting for it to go back up.
another explorer is coming online though >

address	amount
HSpiVEEiDcawhC4qv2Vt3f85mCL36tS6ts 2437221.568
H83tMYX1uRMfCoHt95mWKgCeXcbaqU7CCp 906843.998
HKNYkksFLRiZuDtna6AVmxEcPMY66ThbFy 843000
HFfGwm1F7XGyJFZYKcr5YKCSjqZGxmwPHn 643511
HPga8vHzaVj5rLAoySeEbNQvQVG5BviYhx 618608.5677
HNGmEdgmpE4kY9YyGy1LyUQbf8WLYVrYQ2 521314.7776
HPS3rwpD9tw1P8jzZUmKYmTLTPiFqsnz4Y 506410.8396
H8xXP4dumV4zx8ypFj1RabRJcMQ8eE8xhD 334169.8606
HHUw6MXBXq7x9QEnM6sU5nJivWLjxEQ78c 301256
HDQU7UX8GvCkKvDsSmzUUcyUN6gotCFqJQ 291809.3927
HDDhRw7PdSDmNAMjcc6bF5YXszAN7DJzPz 289805.0049
HJ84EyYYSPLWxKxUQnt6v6LfQUHKJxaZw1 259052.7
H9e5SqzdZ3ziNxQbo5KJxDbzWa6i13s43E 258677.9438
HJ9Y6LEuftc3NMbBbi3E4DMrFxBcMh5CHA 258116.8629
HQNS8zfshRKR9ZsSmj7y7vKpw6SMfXAWWf 229845.753
HKJyxHLs6BQR6RAK6FZUpwwDrNJkanLU7X 214199.9916
H8dLD1MD4RRy8feMsdi3A6adQ9gKsRLw6m 213175.681
HPsxJ3nXohef5toB1qGGZH7PapjDKTw7nL 200363.9876
HMeQbRLg2X3CzjYGM5r62nKk1biPgdAaEo 181041.1069
HHhJpUvcfCz8sywTFKEREzuy8Fo99EgasY 168461.1283
HUsKwzvcEni4nj38sjkLbVkymJJZ1YZQ2y 167731
HC2Tv6NRRD28K3kBDfCoAPqnUAY5dC1DqZ 150999.5
HT9gSWsxKeMHJu5NE8qp7jjXFyVJn2yRmV 137442.17
HBxCm4XzJDGUNxHpwEd6Bu1DHZecqj7C8o 132252.6
H6rbY49or5BDNKTNS1Wz3KrETuHttFUC6g 125000
HFg5R5PxKP9uWC9ySLBVdNdvutqPZFcWxL 123615.9629
H8ZnZLTdTgTGGe84kXTe8fi5h6d9jr1wji 100000
HB6D9yMpMhezs9hAYZcKmQkaurfpVF32LG 100000
HBC3CLxdEysADoZc6VAUx9fwGgEk21qh7g 100000
HLRqEmvxnUfTdQwH7FkhSiW9qmMFfBvbik 100000
HL241E1ZbyNqYxPbD7xoPSvrrqwf4gUCiL 93970.37401
HHjbxD33qnVXJjWzd7tXSdxjrMUFyMZRvH 90496.18524
HUZJjiqMxNLUFsWrx5PvfnqjeN69qmDFEr 76003
HNrQkSPpv8nHdvvbUX13Jx6PBkJi2hXKbL 75478.72705
HM3kSFs8MTinpjz9gjCVJZGDKYmab748jk 75000
HDBSQuXABruAFDT1rBRtUwfZ9UTzwoQUjW 73931.5
HGL3spBxUsghcdNKpgrLUEakotabRrxFmA 61472.91738
HEDrBm3wKMBKMCfatCg1KzMz6BsyJS92b5 60105.54421
HVLoufRXhyxEpwZ6kG1nPBjJRmjdc5dd43 57500
HNWuMk8ph46oXfLRPHQdpoeZkTqZmXFFkD 55411.51669
HVguPy1tWgbu9cKy6YGYEJFJ6RD7z7F7MJ 55300
H8JphE1nMeyL5AvhRFfC8XxZtj6y7XuVtg 54255.33447
H7bwGgabm4ZSyibihG7ytQRZCChWrKWGs1 51629.8
HURMGYDTLyD88bq9B3dzER6DKfaud4kXG5 50764.08118
H7z9SqbLbebBv4B7JQd2svVJ3MCk7Qoiy4 50000
HJqkwwqk6g1yedTKzjR3JMu8xzrHtNBr7Z 50000
HN9xLNfQnf5Vbqnhm8hbZ8p7UHD63WHx99 47790.85838
HH1ahWLNHPkGenUzb8txRZuQwhSvKNkEqU 47451.10384
HBfcC8FehBkaD9RRbcsqx2NL64fJ6v6jwz 45503
HAPm2m9qpHybmueFCt4sKecyAGp2ify3Zr 44999.99889
HTxrc9cW8isxr5tizsknMqoaMBg71325uJ 44159.1
HPZkVdWNCG759LWXHP2WwdezTMZjNrUQKV 43425.42207
HRFZ8XcPnSyPw65RHd8JzLqF5SmLfnLTm7 42277
HFE4WzEcf9dp1AeeKhaPYhNZB3osrDJUzu 40944
HCpjnadwaUw3Hsc2gFo7UDq67uAofvXFkd 39222.29288
H8bjTsuMz1ym8mdGqThEgKh7oiZNMnXfTj 37276.22259
HMxLFk7REAfSGDENMmTk3CMzqd7X74fCF6 37238.15367
HFvNjcdUvZAUEw8CuAcRwgvzULkQrWdcy7 36429.19911
HHxoNSi9LQJdytxP2To3FoTDWbAyTk4uJb 33747.02713
HDiroY4tK1BJzna53ELwUrqkR8sBPgoBRb 33705.62964
HDWQqoTCGzQqWKc9s62XrauwXXmS9UEWFA 33050
HT8ki4WCj1hLkshgngBwJWUJ87mWzbpymm 32423.13759
HQQ3GM4asVBBC2SH88dFwvNH6mHvpFF6HW 31637.43744
HC5FaqfCGs2X4i1WRutuHWgRGjvr4eCJRX 31495.92525
HSe8nge8EbBf6WzNQuKg7w8gfEPD2jbv3q 30784.54885
H9LbxiQN1HEMeCMmUnxmqupNcT4jA8AsJ2 30727.72
HAVtPYivJTMyQUPoM9Q9n8EgKMKQpqb9ai 30000
HFXsnv6pYXSJMM4iGWb9pP1ZttwZDQbFc8 30000
HKJRA9aGh8kEYAw9FENYKD6xFhq5bMNVrx 29999.99974
HMvDDWs8DzB4Qp8KUzSTtCFme5SH48fHcY 29469.5
HPNXmtiM3yNdY474knww9sLfTb3hrgLPTZ 29080
HHvDmLqLmwgtwhE9X7wgHtZww5NteJgi3Q 27712.99
HNBWCiXYkB7hhS2UWWZNtZyL5CK8cB2CYj 27434.70836
HUvPB3go2sFHekacAv8zSHrgKDvdYVG9mK 27251.25773
H9vpWD7aahgQxp764oJJLRcTowpWP6SUGm 26343.49531
HPsE1y789HFtRd3zoD7DSU3a4iJcTyoEY4 25556
HKZWXZeLA139MMi7dV2ex7w9ZrcwyZsi2j 24415.14107
HSeM2UPh7mP9qRMnZLEb5vfaaWJuCztoB3 24187.04485
HL3xtJ6A9d8yPRvUeGShrFwgASzhVSdq3Q 23710
HS8CjfJx3MpKryVN2VMnJtrgn3B7ykjK1A 23474
HNXB459VAQxCsRg7a6fwDFwXFbp4pu1isF 23418.7
HEZGMbB9sDVdZD3wbo5pKVJTjQ7bLtNHTe 23249.5798
HNxShrX9xrJamXvrFfZGgBXaVJQEn6TKfU 22529.08199
HQKMftfo9tGxn7USyBohioUsWLCgvhTzqg 22262.22984
HJjC9WxwxktcPV71buvxEUe8c8pMc2KfMa 21500.19246
HDxEUXFsWUoEhT8Ygaw6DPNQiqxqAEaMgC 21351.57256
HFCb7f4Tt9ZCkQQe4j5fSDT18422Jwwebn 21208.7
HLDhhtLSwAnDA1LJpLfr1ba7VGZPJ1uU4U 20672
HML51UCyDRm859UVDWpkhQqUmdks1UZ8nR 20364.79245
HGb3YYhQdkHafXkeDueNfuFRxKZA9A2ZzH 20000.98
HTajgE4u5eVfx3dtfizbBq4QXgJCXV5nfh 20000.06
H8HEjnLenK99mjANpVLfkoHEPetDvgySKo 20000
HBwCkjhRGjYvkoQ9CYHvQcCC8D76qGKaLL 20000
HFvBoz18h1Tkd1N9nij4is1TLGghNJxTFf 20000
HNZdTbHhAYyR5EW3R3QavsM5kCRs7vbour 20000
HQSngdGmPvmCk67FW11KFUVH2tk6JDm5qm 20000
HFKCs3KjEY23iHKUorJuRUya7ApG4o5BQR 19999.99
H76v9W4e8coY4BbvtxfzzZKetTSZqqhnc1 19499.24032
HQsHwt2KQMwUGMfpsMtZyiaHbwiT3cnhV2 19045.98995
HLCGaAn1v3x4g6zAMdsEsRZqkxkbRZZQpv 16291.29117
HQT5wP28qSZxst8n4LNwzXkoYrXhMy3p7J 15909.99
HEgyrWXYD9WHcLQzRtTDEmcaPGRhAyTrmN 15663.97229
H9vWrPkqo94jHmtfcM3YMxSLGxLhS4Dyg7 15362.62831
HDMyRnqf2KmWAYPjvD3Ra5ecwDQmpXo4Qw 15267.83263
H83X7CYTCipN1XAFdLcWCSBz2fTs4DMtu6 15138.15499
HJHdDiZbk4AXHTqRCCRBdNwcAdK1dqa7EY 14815.66751
HDzksZaTGiRepS83mjSR2YNy1F29GPmi1v 14393.55307
H9VbdDKfR9xi4Ev5QdJ2xZpnWwX4cCw5n7 14338.55449
HFKsvfZhHLbYiFEpLNQPxVaqkYdYw8h44h 14129.137
HHw6HqCBmh9qHoWAd7xKPvQyZfvrUdrfv3 14112.87605
HEMXiHagXDbNmMbuyAj1G1kYQq1uw8emyH 13765.33958
HCkdJPNXq7wNbvR6DddnubnBvfBokyfWZt 13389.35776
HNwM5n7KkbA4FLJNEK4oWPARFtPDuUnRag 13372.76079
HNhLdDLh3pnRHWjDjYzypGMLfZ24KGptA3 12465.36319
HVLLHWuiqhHpBApdjtV2Za6GjRruBzn4ye 12100.15699
HQihG5xK9Y5qyEVYKLYNR8P796DSuQRbco 12048.65882
H9RW69J4F76dXQKjsfqBsgdH8LXLAtquzK 11847.23453
HUiLV41m24o5imFhUwFHd5Ye8xCP654pyD 11661.32254
H9JXHVwWTyidS5aEJEvtBWPqGy7VzF8ngd 11660.5908
HHAf84c9ujPnR4GGE9fcZhBbP1RRuuSzf6 11587.08207
HJitAJufv1hcYE9Hfm17oZ2FFTQQTq6dBM 11513.92971
H7e7GBnLUeumGedFxsjdoP5w3QnbunvTob 11447.76996
HRARYnddczKN9eCN8sZYk4cPszEhKaXsrQ 11396
H8RihkstC5sP3a5WGxqAgkoYWsMJ7jYSs8 11300
HHNrAwiEpDVpnfLNUXj5Cd16Us4Z4a2qZ9 11131.08958
H76R1TqyPYGNoCGG8mgJ8gGQQ8agRsxARC 10914.118
HCMnCCv3GsbryZoS3NLFyckCeXPmUwVPDe 10907.80102
HFpJqQwwAQFuWGs2vNFbpWXU5TTe3Mew4i 10889.0398
HKKhQdSkfqAFeQYzz8hZKL26Zmcz6JjoVk 10759.87167
HDaeD7cPiprLRUkzdpK9j3z1ce9dtgH7zW 10680.01052
H91nXftrdgSebxdZXnF1gjFw4erTiXhEeg 10385.4017
H8oXAVRhk7r1rW2E2gnDG7Eykdx6y8Z8gi 10297.74983
HKKqCPFrU49d1wrwbtgx4GgvTZkrKFFd38 10273.67459
H72EBBkC4zxHCMnRyrYsFMfPwzx7DE8vQe 10249.89
HA5bbzxGnCwqJ6znhpnq9nccoDjwkJkZzU 10199.97966
HMEmQBVHgXHWZRcqmD4nVRJrRuExRJLRva 10055.62648
HAosYndUcCoH8xTob4sYgUnhGYBkyBeoGB 10000.575
HLXSzRpqpD3PRBbRza8xgcSG4pYc2xhXq5 10000
HMs9vY8a52hhUUuax5xaXxmRnLjcfQC39E 10000
HFEDGB69yxNXFoCVDFHNR7WZwHM7Y23tYY 9999.999776
HJhQQSAK6goStF6iDTyVDPmPPjnkWc2ijp 9949.9
HTh2n5S6WvRFX4qaiu1DXoo1s6DGNp14TG 9949.9
HMthUQfZhMNt4pRmnMC1cDRBZm5r7PQH3P 9597.474022
HEaC2C9UyYTzqeDM8WUMdGtaPRfVwgqSK2 9412.71793
HUPTwF9kw5AVp4mex6g7TNxVJqgJi3EdYi 9097.084323
HHtjGBUtxriDHmoHuoNDdLHwyNWVWkW8oS 8999.98
HR2bzm4pvV3iJTMGnwCHrrduarfGct7tFz 8960
HEDfu7NKX6LnbWuwCtfgYW5esExsfcoUQE 8790.371675
HLKx78PPcUkk2TuqqxyicFj4Qv6VvQF6rh 8514.713622
HQLiK3KAZua8Qn8MiUx4ttuJAkBJu6LHnR 8419.170345
HN5rY8UScxPDRS9TenTsGWmj2Kg2hb7vL5 8296.280948
HAGYaBveDSNu4tqRxpoXQR1SBs6QYW6f91 8174.700311
HBu37Sf6emdzSPCtWmm9rAGGgs7c4huTaG 8098.27933
HHLdMqKpNq9QZD7nmi2nPHqwkFeUWU2DaJ 7999.6
HSM316SiJAQSwWgYr27FwKnHWAmKXjHshs 7794.88
HVhV8Cf1krVyGFSpgZHtetsDGoRZmvion1 7760.088454
HSWgEZySAWtYfheW9XWUgddt1CeFn4iqRA 7699.99
HU2DagznJYJaQjyLp376xbJzrQC6cqu43Y 7599.623188
HMXwm5SsryzDmFAEDZyagG9Dire7FXRBap 7555
HAKPcDBUqtRUrNZ6kDXKtdLdZCQHcowsZD 7484.27432
HCAMCwHk9pmgT1hYntTjfsUxAt8kGefuE6 7449.454492
HFvTsXuYAV8QjLuSCs4LF2vF9SxcYzrPA7 7167.313241
H9co19af5NrHXvN1oczw86RJXGm9oCH248 7148.342591
H6idTd6tTsRJEgyrta5bs19Xm7RLZGSHp9 7081.513283
HAGd6nt72gRQyPCpJoFwxFTEFyMULertgT 6999.99
HDtAP7C8CDN4foXGwtYByZksVtCiZKAhPT 6795.564667
H7bUnSLNrfzb7eANE2hMA9SYmTd9BugHG4 6665.81523
HT91911yqSteuYgvT8YB1tGWA64STpmL6G 6499.88
HAqLruP8eYwFc2rKpCXwpTt6HmSKhVQ2QC 6434.963867
HByTR7swBaNYj6g9ksiowyuvLxeTdrTygr 6213.690335
H7pLZuA6oJ4viqPYqFtiCmeRcFhsqZ81w9 6069.10793
HMsf69Y1ioVmuQKDz7L79FcevvRXLq4Lij 6050.571174
HT4ZqauS5yg3wigf3AWHdPZFbga3RXuKAj 6041.965309
HQTE21oeQnmcRRfeEuSHzuDiN4AirapRmm 5907.352431
HSJeHZFTr3TvWbBrEmt3Kv3RZMjQq2LAuY 5776
HPnYMscfhEhHFi1ZmuWKVaRwqnfgUefMna 5751.111131
HA2wtdqyEuLjP35fQLYk2GfDsyRncvcWGD 5705.087404
HMi4qbxBLyXyftNN1ft5dQwboNW9RojpnL 5510.919136
HKiv7qUNmNPmtCsRRc5Q5WDGV6URcMTcDE 5453.240454
H7HecTWoG37NFBzibKqG5EPzfyYTH9nADj 5450
HE53fKGbiGCP3xVz2W76DiiUYUJawgjxX5 5409.7
HTytyM7m4QXjoiPNRE5srY6XKfL71inmfM 5368.153
HJ28dVx6HPq4D1Gu8RUhmfsgtNkbFXemZw 5324.99
HMH3yGWKYuQfnaHs4557gs1tYD9VeQojHD 5297.65
HT13NtE1mpgkmbM5fG97JUwikKLdhn4TbY 5171.728927
HF1Uo6t9MQ6eJGtAM94sqwbBZvB6auBTcH 5090.914991
HTH7ztwLD1wXNabGbF5hBwMPWcKnnitS26 5078.969037
HGrCc4UfkmNkUxwbFdrsUVz7zEgq83fZA8 5075
HBFgXGsrTEDDdg59URN2pHYGhWsoCwUZgz 5007.31907
HTNpp4hnE1nwTMxV9tDAT7nMXUYvqYXYU7 4900
HH3fsZ63oyq5KvUaQ3cPeP6FghzWQA2uS5 4876.70263
HCbknDSQR7C7XygdUoDHFdA7jmvSQX2kgw 4777.572571
H8riEJaxbgjaJrLLsy1r7ARysM9acAMcsC 4700
HJwP18tbbiAu2DiNn3Kw9TvKfQGUN6S7GA 4672
HTf26dAu6gwhRhZBMXHhEuG2t5gPd83LDD 4652.99532
H7rNXApf6J9ZyvCdfyREb5K15JsNuP238Z 4641.455818
HLDXX1eY562z6BmMggkWrxvs32oDbtqJYQ 4608.029081
HGjDbb5d1YViaqWb8PPNhgCnP9vtrmuEur 4588.600855
HGEt6z83Zas8YHRMWcMMAySwQFu39uPCk9 4494.176203
HKJZcQNmQvuSDCUffhhiZBZw9D5DQ2aYbE 4447.826321
HFJDs4DGwjW5nKXVgMxk6aPq7SXBgoNciN 4382
HUxENgqkTLCiNpabYRk6vsjTJZ1ezVLxJt 4380
HQ3e2TM4DZuu4yDSn4yHzpLicjoLeGze43 4317
HSWcfkQeEEpbzykbKvUJufkFKm7cjaaat5 4267.458653
HGmhkj7ZXoEUWaWx9ykWg2QPMAZPJa9UWx 4202.545
HGEtD3LmZtiL3kZUMo14fuwj1gUksymxYp 4191.198076
HAvXG7mp77FX1bAmHhX4vBXxPpcwdPeXDW 4171.102506
HBMWcx8MDVj5dm9ibTF9QGpEbRtkYbtUrH 4143.998201
H9fd8pkwd86NaDYy2w7Gx6JfvsDKoXrUJS 4044.084792
HUNuaNoVu1mnLC8mb4hwHFgFVA8mmCLNrb 4017.713028
HGxaytFd9z34Nq71r1kXCZgckq7Dd1ECS3 4014.283843
HPUbBRR6Cswp4kys1UtbjPWdBYpcEE85nU 4006.843088
HUQNQkR6Fk5P8QPrewS9sb8JULhcX5z651 4001.457522
HBXEMSajrn2vYXV1JXD8tNhoUzrJriecSL 4000
HT5SKvmeTiLXHiTj3LFhAhGXPF6e6AVV6f 4000
HV6o6KRpRikL7SbUz13SefWFYv94tYuRVJ 3992.686222
HNtMndxBCHxXV2DQwFiiVKMgjJkzWpEKX5 3896.74
HK64wa8eFW6vL7C9WoR1BzW3wKzCf6wyqb 3837.113
HG9cqmLqDMxhm1pebn7QTNKzhhSNno1TeJ 3783.700398
HNmuxQjG6xk3c2XsuZp5MpqX5ACPPdxscN 3720.57
HDpdGATzJ9ViT12LBYGH5wWmdNBjPbPaXM 3712.248512
HRBD9PmBfMbaomk5BthkGhBZHM7DprxVoy 3700.8
HUYx7poRTyjrdc3pGvScVZkkLCRXNJzLp7 3647
HU24YwYgBG2NT5RCX9vHrDhiSTAGUf3cH6 3564.13967
HKZEKDtzdNSptGM4xS8p4kWCF6J1oJU92y 3551.054907
HGcs1X6zVyL7CkQoo73RP5dutaDaoHRYgH 3550
HEW1qxAi3qyHt3kYiZoocvmJ5pmpwDLyrA 3540
HSwZefvVtHiEnA8jPRkiuHWvwdGTAdnKiU 3519.64277
HBZF6fYhbRQY2qnTUfn1kVrfpWWbw6Ct7g 3500
HCYuSM69JyUGYiBxnGGyKTpT1B3uVtNrEm 3484.266224
HPbC7Sh69se6uXqB8aQV2CYzEZbXtfCUkt 3457.854671
HEeUp3Lc1EVenB1B8Dx54bNFhF6Y7QJors 3446.448744
HDpXV8oPp2KB9wUJ5iTZFBaxQab68da17t 3359.1
HVoQ6nZfrhi5xXAF6cv2F6BHo21aC3Kn1D 3336.92
HAxuEAXSwk6KjpsLZV9pmAvV35ZBrYhHa4 3234.892319
HDsNB8Ue567oL3xpwwc8fYmUp4DZWPMByQ 3216
HADoXWwrx6bVWWeYp9ddHnR9rX9fiooLUw 3200.1
HEQmhrgTt13YoLDKqnS43qrQmsEypXToCy 3199.983152
HVNSGHDspi541Vy8VAbaNzHCGegEpWsAMo 3190.109
HHoonSvDW74GKmKcxeNKQoWzyyjLztRM7o 3186.38
HMBwW8sYeJRpx1VzT47SyfTWWTosJQB1th 3130
HP2vZP6qkkz8ycmM8LiHT4cQuMUUGG2Usn 3096.009023
HCpnmYRu7BWw1Hfw7yBQYew7f11KSY75uf 3075.003313
HDegmGLVkakQH5UCKAdGBtWxh5RrtkvPVU 3020
HGqd9ZisvNisdxwLxunAiNbQXnL8QLMzaU 3010
HR5RjD1CDdd1jd5ADvTjT78JpR9XidDRhW 3003.507376
HABuvVv8ypQDNdh81318pVV6cyZTCtgK9c 3000
HGXEwbm8zqNdyxGmsP6z4UgurvfQttTt1h 2999.8
HJ2Xh7cGpzy7bQC37q4SfNV5pTLsJLPvfS 2956.695244
HC9yxye3sFwWWs1t7Ervd4BEMqCK89vrnq 2955.628054
HACrmXdckYmwKnCzZH4HuMe62ezcJgmPJb 2930
HS9r6vRvaNr2Fj5gfiRwuwcnoPLERgPgFu 2909.591109
HB4SzCQ7DbvtToX2dHRp238HTxC4vBCMhq 2906.3222
H7cG54Qx38n7HKEEMwfb9J1cfmLrTQUB1z 2900
H6cJsZuoDHqcmreVPYgvCMAAgWi71dudVu 2894.307766
H8G4zu4Qp6tkvuHjUKgvmhiBGRW6Pu6Nim 2868.134743
H7dCnPTyZdoViCV4ocEx5NnkBSBSTcF1hT 2846.55
HDqjG5Tw5UdGjJy8UeWH7DqWLjJMseuCwf 2840.395488
HBcjRQW1Cpo3evHY3MTZEbhJL5MZmnYwVp 2821.81
HUCmkLSx1dxFWXa5SJnXZiN2kop8jF2rMX 2813.49
HVGdhdHWee7wVcLrSVRQDfJDZrgVJLK8BU 2811.122669
HGNS7n5JUqdQTwbxkbfo9hELnQQAcbnTJ5 2761.9
HRqvxEYvo5C2h1LjkjL3k7SMHifA5974pR 2750.662919
HNmxkE5PWwveQcTohA7Js7NpwQamkgBBGo 2738.220071
HSNrxCA6MAdsrHGzViDk6nzWDEGNpozurE 2700
HEVbvdRafYpmdjktcksv2HfW6CbkkwjSsg 2669.039086
HGoeJJ7seQmX8qMXEHh5r9y8UVgvdzd2Lf 2662.467606
H6mJiqmfhL6CUXXa2KwcRHBRPTQbHcQUjv 2661.705
HTRhYXRTr9m4p7D9tk3biWrNJTMD828NKL 2599.140166
HBUspHnszZJkcMsWRnqV5nS2cWDisqGoND 2590
HFeH7rghtWiJpfk9XXFmgKMdrsTJvkK6WL 2571.384088
HEXWc2LXcmx3mdwL3av8fj79U22FNBRvbe 2559.99
HRt2PZNNGJYMzQHSPJmMh3p21eiP65RiJC 2527.325826
HVkmWYKRFpezXCuTTYsuM3XM7G1RA9Uau5 2499.99
H8g7Loz7dnhrDt7JwPjo4JfA9aKVeBViAR 2499.9
HTgBD7YcFR9wa2wFpugLtfn64bNpTRazkL 2497.785175
HGUpbcty9k74awkP6RDgDhZZaDUBq5pTS6 2424.812788
HAZ46PsL73mcKdHUby5aCvmiXjfmFCR6zh 2422.009399
HMwovByCZFbgyZwEU3LrX3PYKyx57CCYUH 2420.238795
HB5LMN45274izmzgWzFv3copv37A3AiWjm 2380.99
HC9zJ9Zf78d2LqUB7ud4MKrUcNxNtTYv2j 2374.958699
HLAQHY6H15DLQqQGwkpsMNHTJNc4M181Js 2359.263834
HMVAdqvxVsq3rGbmUBxexBCD5tDwa36tQr 2356.860026
HHXoaRGd6HdUwjXURcCwAPwSf6A123Knvh 2315.243038
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HTRo1EjbDKAdfV233LdvE3TrzDPnQKXTNd 2287.868
HBP2a1FDKn4i6KFhEgyierXJxmbXf2dWup 2275.003347
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HDxhqeHbGu8mH622At5FZQGZKKrWjeaQXf 2240
HDgi8B59mrNEgAPC7HUXbwkSqKKB6c4J6C 2222.876871
HAQQXHHKFJn6RtiMf2vfkEDtPD7zE5C7DV 2222.542057
HMYCh1vxDwEE8qCcAqNuvqSCDeSL4BA9Yp 2219.332209
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HK2qLNuQtLDCvbP5BBeccKgaTcHGJLdy2v 2184.499091
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HJYsJXvdiquywqY6nnKqXjgdBDwcA5Bw3X 1407.388369
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HBcQ9cmyBgtkr1rfNLNqyPzwau7yDQHcBu 1390.473087
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HNuU3HTkiZMpP23oehktMSF3hED8ptiLDY 1347.491871
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HAy72kRsTGPCcMZXqboDy18CKrrpi8zPfF 1322.66827
H7Yk82uGWLNmf7V1C3usRphcKj9EcXewVz 1319.925
HM4VAtzspX6W8iR4F9aUXikFdC6ZvGgzTd 1319.446395
HHJ9JhjHYvhrNdyX54hvkCGwchGecy8x6U 1315.21951
HHS9H6PV3VHUPTofrP4U1pjZkfb4J7HYQC 1307.876386
HUUmBf5Ucu2Wr6cGLY98Eg6tJjwkQLsiDB 1300
H9WNUbHBu1yyaG6aKmLec4tpNopCvZPjvz 1299.58
H7qByA7hgNp555qVjJQa5YhGjx7WA8Qojg 1299
HFzHPzD6TGHgSszmad6m6wXdzjrcCA9PGy 1298.975
HE9GFwPHvjs7Pn85U96f2U2TDZZkLvSnuB 1282
HCFaV687rwC5NJWGagKgkeshQFjCwW9j9M 1279.195378
HMC3LyqK6jb3u9EKPQKEr9B5QMZC2P8Tta 1279
HE7DtAzUc3DuKQFfPhYzVdeUJjbzaXaJRb 1275.53
H6ojo2mwpALeGPXGKsiYLBtCx817BgdiXJ 1270.9008
H9SuVivCgpRBH96TYqP9DyBdUVFXuM9M7H 1261.65
HVYtaFo4MqKZmvbZSeYG4unxDnU4P71vdo 1256.76178
H8ABqZWn1iZrB6r3arg4ZQNb3kSWGwr8tt 1248.84442
HSnSH9vK1NNTP7dgLwNbZ879sAQLZNe1FP 1238.179961
HVL4AHyqTjxJhfcQAU9MYx6GLkTjiqfddq 1230.358052
H9U2FAU7sPPJKmR7kNBWLyjBavbFwN5eGg 1215.40444
HKJnA5uP4iw53ka7xH6zpgk8tXNoC8sD6q 1213.49365
HC1GW1H86fZNR2x3Z2CQgYrvvu7ANBW84K 1211.454365
HAgtNKd9D5CK5fALKUAa4C7CiM5PFQdarJ 1210
HJaFuCpFfxbXuXcajPdgwLQZ8jNvBUkpYE 1210
HABVmibxHeYrzekM2CWuwwSrsJw4RevYev 1205.85808
HCsakrRDwsJk6Q9KsGBgwJkMwCS2Lhuuni 1200
HC3gR65ViEx3hNssj1emAHiYUVMFLiKX9L 1199.999742
HBWXTVzzppeqMkyMqT9wZD6fQhsjMykXxR 1199.99
H8PT38VBZutoPmKfHueH3HXbedT6cWhPjo 1198.355008
HGQtZsP4NFRjfvrqmNrYmkmomC7qSw299q 1190
HJo5aJVRNajjqiBUoRBSpR2f9KF5wBngKW 1181.008411
H7BVcJTv19awUxbJFHBeACcQ6ZwASXFvFy 1178.277145
H9d1hbG2dsH7s6oYDz4JhS8qJ1csDpPpPJ 1144.821831
HUkxDs1LrMLKaNkAD7se1DVBePhHDxqiXL 1137.361414
H8FCBp5TgR4ZXCcocbxkUAxPfnFDXay8rW 1132.199164
HDtCMNf5nqmgCxzBvN7n7ydBbJ82W91shM 1130.728
HF2Gk3MsL1QrtFG8cDfcLCvRK7iGwLqPiF 1127.124449
HG3CZ6EPRwxmiH3tYKAa7EBAQwYtrEiu6t 1122.320424
HKCSnsT6WjxAmPdG3Wz7FSKvjBKTZqdQsh 1120
HTyD6HW8x8xVtSPbVbH7BTzQNwr44o4tcB 1115
HLJAREdejjwREDYAzCDRFm6moaKQYtj6cN 1109.98
HKHERLpdQSnkz8TJycTAvP6sooRh12uehS 1106.562327
HH32joSDeAusSBAbDovBJteAfkk1WvzznH 1099.99
HVCefQdn8E9dibnc2PKB5ssvccT22gH2ZC 1094.238396
HPCjMQqy6CqJWLfC8VjPyxW45riFSr9McH 1084.802
HGkEyaxqEKSPH9dVUzZAiYWa9DkfhWHcsk 1080.484928
HL4Lawi3DKaSgniipkTHD4g7aeCNQBsvLt 1078.133089
HBxBQSXmMecQtBCXHDj2C4ve1swNbaCGRh 1074.085904
HDJhUndapBAEgEk7EJJtuKWnK9sVpGtFYN 1073.97
HQYnqeqCrKz5JYVkrxTqU7NfqNwnjdD1Kx 1066.81
HHqu7toLJe8BJm84WtVGck31bxVLnteYjh 1064.069474
H83yyejsFmdaCtzJznWNB2V4kWfB6fb8eJ 1063.539072
H8URVcDwCDARfcdG84VbsXkKRQEoktuAgb 1060.63661
H9B5UmYbPEvgqw9E7UTNYphcMMsKAeRFvQ 1060
HLuz1z9eA7fodksjB4P4XF8xR8vqjBtj1Q 1053.628022
HQd6yxa8wbvDQBQxDxGnH2MvL7sMZdiV8U 1051.131965
HCR5KecvdSiRM2eXTSUK3jKF7AjmFKgLaP 1041.979909
HCSddZFxEz3zK5tsmChimZmibgPspWkJ6D 1041
HKHzqyCGngKLkBb5HCSZGprE6UkQ7mj72Z 1038.57702
HAQZhQqzCWuph78zaqPZbctYMhWEWKcQgh 1033.365611
H9SSCQ1a1wN28pD8zaL5aEPiXPc5fNJtoQ 1029.96
HEcwaS3FQdQbaR9SzPTNgdgcsJwpieG8RT 1026.903508
H9EEwCdz2Fhj7jzrdLKP7BffECzeU1HLQG 1025.1036
H9C1FxGk19NwUXoAxTPXKXrTDVzVNf4a9a 1020.01
HRxuykzea7ifeyxg8v4AfcgWV2Miz6WVq8 1020
H8CtBW85YEeWkA3qHnHjJsvyTKMhZr9uLT 1019.75
HJB7oFpJmQmsZDCMcbbC5NXCVhP4WMd6hh 1019.430204
HQPzo1xDGM7j9SmjtUFCf7PoKtUGWbjz9F 1014
HNiP2LZs1W8scijSh5JA8DwFqQwAq9aRsX 1013.820932
HCQKNvFBk1ufoC74FnL2D5n7uobVRhXWjH 1009.8
HD3V3QYLo4oJHUvQGP5ssCTawUHJvDxagd 1001.995
HHAM58Pyz4MxzNAu2Yog9EwTgCsHhPgPDP 1000.99
HCxdh7F9Gfhd3iMZfd4AicgrkLJDBLQ3zj 1000
HPDJhtXdheauyyhJxTi48jHndhFBSBKiMN 1000

  "hashblock": "a3a2c83622833fb25b4701ca518b16fd8f5add39c0278828fb83e14a862e2f5b",
  "addresses": ,
  "strange": 0.00000000,
  "toosmall": 608769.86324114,
  "innames": 36758.70048542,
  "amount": 14905764.53865888

Activity: 98
Merit: 16
Quick question to the dev... Would that be possible not to airdrop Poloniex but honor airdrops to HUC hunter holders on Polo at the time of the snapshot (can be proved by logs)? Just a question not a request of course but I'm getting a bit desperate today with these news from Polo Sad
Activity: 98
Merit: 16
I wouldn't be super concerned. Even tho Poloniex was bought out, crypto exchanges are seeing increasing pressure from governments and other forces to stay honest. There's a pretty big portion of CHI supply reserved for HUC airdrop, and I don't expect that portion of holders to just be discarded.

Right but they could simply keep CHI tokens for themselves or even worse, dump them OTC if it turns out to be a financially profitable move for them... At the time I wasn't knowledgeable enough to setup my own wallet (I wasn't even aware of how important that was) so I trusted Poloniex but I've come to learn never to trust an exchange with your tokens / keys (or any other third party for that matter ;-))...

Though lesson if they do back down Sad
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1034
Many thanks @RenegadeMind and @Snailbrain for answering that. I've sent a message to Poloniex with the screenshot, hopefully it will help and they'll change their mind.

I'm really thankful about the kindness of this community and I've been following HUC and now CHI for a while but I made a rookie mistake back then when investing more than I should have in HUC at the time of the snapshot, hopping to get more CHI as I believe in the project but if Poloniex back off from their word then I would have lost everything. Don't get my wrong it's all on me I'm not blaming anyone but Poloniex as they are the only one that have deceipt us (if they back off from honoring their word).

Keep up with the good job :p

I wouldn't be super concerned. Even tho Poloniex was bought out, crypto exchanges are seeing increasing pressure from governments and other forces to stay honest. There's a pretty big portion of CHI supply reserved for HUC airdrop, and I don't expect that portion of holders to just be discarded.
Activity: 98
Merit: 16
Many thanks @RenegadeMind and @Snailbrain for answering that. I've sent a message to Poloniex with the screenshot, hopefully it will help and they'll change their mind.

I'm really thankful about the kindness of this community and I've been following HUC and now CHI for a while but I made a rookie mistake back then when investing more than I should have in HUC at the time of the snapshot, hopping to get more CHI as I believe in the project but if Poloniex back off from their word then I would have lost everything. Don't get my wrong it's all on me I'm not blaming anyone but Poloniex as they are the only one that have deceipt us (if they back off from honoring their word).

Keep up with the good job :p
Activity: 1807
Merit: 1020
Hi everyone,

I'm reaching out to express a certain concern about Poloniex. I've contacted them about  the HUC/CHI snapshot asking if they're still supporting this and apparently they doing a u-turn on this as the official response is as follow:

Poloniex is not required to support forks or airdrops. If we decide to support [CHI ], we will make an announcement, so keep an eye on the notice section of our page! We can't speak to if we will support this or not.

Of course they deleted the Tweet that was saying they'll support this so my question to the community is: Do anyone kept screenshots or evidence of Poloniex confirmation that they'll support this?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

I don't remember Poloniex ever doing a tweet about it, but i could be wrong.

I do still have the support tickets regarding it and my conversation with the creator of the exchange (or the lead dev)

I would also like to point out that this guy is very sound and has always been supportive of Huntercoin.

on the down side, the exchange has been bought out so I don't know if Tristan is still there and it has been a long time since the convo

the last message was from 10 months ago which stated they still have the "data" that shows everyone's huc balance at the snapshot.

I've sent a message for another update - you may also link to this post and send one yourself

copper member
Activity: 1380
Merit: 504
congratulations that your mainnet went live !!

Right now im downloading your wallet (the good old qt since i dont want to have an unknown surprise Wink )

im really curious for your start and wish you all the best .

ps :send me your coins if you are cool Wink

The XAYA Electron wallet looks like this:

It includes some more convenient features over the QT. The QT still has a place, but they're different.

The source code is also available here:

So you can review it and compile it yourself.

Don't trust. Verify.  Smiley

copper member
Activity: 1380
Merit: 504
Hi everyone,

I'm reaching out to express a certain concern about Poloniex. I've contacted them about  the HUC/CHI snapshot asking if they're still supporting this and apparently they doing a u-turn on this as the official response is as follow:

Poloniex is not required to support forks or airdrops. If we decide to support [CHI ], we will make an announcement, so keep an eye on the notice section of our page! We can't speak to if we will support this or not.

Of course they deleted the Tweet that was saying they'll support this so my question to the community is: Do anyone kept screenshots or evidence of Poloniex confirmation that they'll support this?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

I don't have a screenshot of it, but I've pinged some people who might.
Activity: 252
Merit: 0
congratulations that your mainnet went live !!

Right now im downloading your wallet (the good old qt since i dont want to have an unknown surprise Wink )

im really curious for your start and wish you all the best .

ps :send me your coins if you are cool Wink
Activity: 98
Merit: 16
Hi everyone,

I'm reaching out to express a certain concern about Poloniex. I've contacted them about  the HUC/CHI snapshot asking if they're still supporting this and apparently they doing a u-turn on this as the official response is as follow:

Poloniex is not required to support forks or airdrops. If we decide to support [CHI ], we will make an announcement, so keep an eye on the notice section of our page! We can't speak to if we will support this or not.

Of course they deleted the Tweet that was saying they'll support this so my question to the community is: Do anyone kept screenshots or evidence of Poloniex confirmation that they'll support this?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,
copper member
Activity: 1380
Merit: 504
I have sent a demand in telegram, waiting for your reply.
Interesting job, responsive vision.  Good luck DEVs.

I think I've addressed every issue in Telegram.

If not, please ping there again.


copper member
Activity: 1380
Merit: 504
For anyone who participated in the airdrop for CHI. You can now make a CHI address and submit this on the bounty portal to prepare for the claim of your airdrop, the team sent an e-mail about this today:

Yes. Thanks for posting that here!

I've posted in the bounty thread as well now:

Please take note of the rebranding, just in case anyone has missed that so far.

Also, please take note that we've change our Telegram channel to

hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 526
For anyone who participated in the airdrop for CHI. You can now make a CHI address and submit this on the bounty portal to prepare for the claim of your airdrop, the team sent an e-mail about this today:

Activity: 1750
Merit: 1673
After having seen the Brand Chimaera for so many months it is qiote surreal now to suddenly see the name XAYA here. WHich is the reason why XAYA would be a more effficient brand than Chimaera?

See this post:


New video (rebranded with Xaya):
jr. member
Activity: 44
Merit: 1
After having seen the Brand Chimaera for so many months it is qiote surreal now to suddenly see the name XAYA here. WHich is the reason why XAYA would be a more effficient brand than Chimaera?
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1673
What happens to the chi tokens that we purchased before the rebranding? Can I still access them on the website?

Yes, sure. The rebranding has no impact on the presales or the token, even the currency ticker (CHI) will remain the same. Make sure to download and setup the wallet and put your created CHI address into the tokensale portal. That way your CHI will get sent to you when time is due. For download:
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