I was about to invest and I read this:
"Are you sending from a Counterparty compatible bitcoin wallet?"
I wasn't sure about it (i'm using Trezor) so I came here and read that I can't send using Trezor. Which wallet can I use?
I will try to describe the steps you have to take:
1. Create a Footballcoin Wallet
https://wallet.footballcoin.io/ or another counterparty compatible wallet
2. You need to have the amount of BTC you want to invest in your
https://wallet.footballcoin.io/ or in another counterparty compatible wallet
3. You go to the swapbot
https://swapbot.tokenly.com/bot/FootballCoin/xfcfootballcoin#choose4. In the swapbot you push BUY and input the amount of XFCCOIN you want to buy (it has to be multiple of 1000 XFCCOIN); you see there that the swapbot will show you the discounted amount of BTC you have to pay.
5. In the wallet
https://wallet.footballcoin.io/ you click the up right button of BTC card (3 horizontal parallel lines) and push send - a new window will open and you put there the swapbot address 15LSRtvFUqyRnYeFMYFb9bBfF9AHRvJqbw and the amount of bitcoins previously calculated. After that you click SEND.
6. After doing that the process is automated - the bitcoins will go to the swapbot and after the transaction is confirmed the XFCCOIN will be delivered back to your address. You can follow the transaction being done in the swapbot as it will take a while to complete due to the 2 confirmations needed for each way.
good luck!
Please observe and follow the indications of the swapbot and of the wallet and all disclaimers and warnings during the whole process.