Would somebody please help me, I want to mine from two pools (SuchPool and Nonce-Pool) with Spexx's miner for Windows.
What I have managed to do is run two separate minerd processes (from the avx folder) with the following parameters:
minerd -o stratum+tcp://stratum2.suchpool.pw:3331 -u mlahor.XMG -p samepassword -t 4
minerd -o stratum+tcp://mine2.magi.nonce-pool.com:4090 -u mlahor.XMG -p samepassword -t 4
What I want to do is run a single 8-thread process that would be mining from the two pools simultaneously.
When running Setup.bat I end up with the following contents of MyMiner.bat
@echo off
title XMG Magi Autominer Startup
rem *********************************************************
rem Myminer.bat created by Setup on pon 05.01.2015. at 03:51:10,02
rem *********************************************************
set poolone=stratum+tcp://mine2.magi.nonce-pool.com:4090
set pooltwo=stratum+tcp://stratum2.suchpool.pw:3331
start /max automine.bat "mlahor" "XMG" "8" "0" "samepassword" "" "" "" "2"
But then running XMGminer.bat I end up with repeated "Stratum authentication failed" error messages.
Can someone please help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
I assume you have a processor with 8 cores.
Ok well you can't run an 8-threaded process that connects to two pools simultaneously. You can't run any kind of process that connects to two pools simultaneously.
With the current release of my software package, you can run four processes that connect to one pool and four processes that connect to another pool, each running a single thread.
From your Myminer.bat file there I can tell that you selected "Multiple Workers" which requires some prior setup in a very specific way. It is trying to connect to eight different worker names, i.e. XMG0, XMG1, XMG2 ..... XMG7 which do not exist, hence you get the "Stratum authentication failed" messages.
When running the Setup.bat, choose Multiplex Mode, Multiple Pools, Single Worker. When choosing which pools to use (you can select up to eight), select one pool for the first four selections and another pool for the next four selections (or alternate the selections, since the result is much the same, or even easier just select one pool for the first selection and another pool for the second selection and then click "Cancel" on the third selection and it will fill in the rest of the list for you). This should work in the way you want. Make sure that you select "Spread my hashpower" when prompted. You will get four processes connecting to the same worker name on one pool and another four processes connecting to a similar worker name on the other pool. If one pool should go offline, it will fail-over automatically to the other pool for you.
You will get exactly the same hashrate as if you started two processes with four threads each and connected the two processes to different pools. A later version of my software will include the option to do this precisely, but the same functionality can be obtained with the current version as described above.
Alternatively, you could edit the Myminer.bat file directly:-
add a command line:-
set spreadhash=1
just before the "start" command line and edit the "start" command line to:-
start /max automine.bat "mlahor" "XMG" "8" " " "samepassword" "" "" "" "2"
(you should see that I changed a "0" to a " " there (i.e. a space between the quotes)
Hope this helps