ESP's are very well known by the makers community. There are used for a lot of DIY projects about home-automation, IoT,... They are very cheap and available. Espressif provide a C SDK, and it is supported by many frameworks like Arduino and MicroPython.
I know this project would need a lot of work to port/implement M7M on the device, but I find it interesting (even if it would not be very powerful).
I'll have a look at the code, but I would be interested in any documentation that would help anyone to implement the algo, so that I can see if I have the time/knowledge to try to do it by myself
ESP32s are still too expensive to be profitable, not when you would need 22 of them to come close to what a single 35.00 Pi3 can do (11-12 kH/s)
Can you help me little bit?
Which miner gives 11Kh/s in pi3?
my pi3 is 1.2 Kh/s right now
I think its not (11-12 kH/s) but it needs to be (1.1-1.2 kH/s)
Uh, no, you would be wrong. Several of us are using custom 64-bit OSs on our RPi3 with a custom compiled miner. We all get 11-12 kH/s, but the Pi does require a small amount of cooling to maintain those speeds. Personally, I put mine in an unheated garage since it is winter here now.