IMO it might be better to drop the II thing off; II was initially correlating with PoS, so called "PoS-II", which, from what I can see, is sort of mixing with, for example, PoS2.0 or whatsoever few other PoS things out there. Regarding PoS, I'm under impression of putting a more general representation of, say magi's PoS, and would give the abbreviation mPoS a go, which was mentioned a while ago as a planned thing. Additionally, considering II is not much related to PoW, Σ itself stands for magi (currency symbol as well), and for both PoW and PoS.
A good point. Actually that's been one of the reasons I had in mind to make such a change. The present version looks pretty, but not so distinct to distinguish the sigma, especially when it comes to 16x16; for example, the icon on Making the sigma distinct at a small scale, and standing out from a list of coin icons would benefit obviously. According to my tests, the new wallet has a better visual across a couple of different desktops. When we talk about the big version like 1024, however, it isn't looking so nice; better designs with enhancements would make it better, and I hope I can improve further or someone can help.
Let me know any ideas, and if one wants to try different designs.
Thanks for the clarification Joe - then all makes sense to me =)