I can confirm Xscrypt is paying 100% legit real cloud mining and very good company
I guess your confirmation will be very valued within this community, especially from a newbie account that previously wrote about an email from admin offering free mhs for positive posts here
(but deleted his post afterwards)
Nice try..
You make a mistake. We don't are paying anyone to create a account here and post positive comments. Them post since them are happy with our services.
In our main page we have a buttom with title "forum" linked to here, so our members that have to talk happy and not have a account here are openning a account. Them can be newbie but to us still be reliable. It's proof our good services with our customers.
Best Regards
So you are not paying newbies for positive comments, you are writing them yourself, correct?
You know the reason is that if you read the forums for a year or even a half - you saw dozens of cloudmining services which all turned scams (except like 2 or 3) and some of them had by far more legitness than yours (Hashie for example).
So I ask you again to provide solid proof to bitcointalk community that you are just a wannabe scammer that tries to copy previous scams just hunting for newbies looking where to send their money cause they were late to lose on the colapsed ones.
Hello dear, no, we don't are writing positive comments as fake customers. We really don't need to do it.
We know too much sites scam people with title "cloud Mining", but we guarantee our services.
We already on 18 days online, we already get about 35 btc from our customers, If we a scam, we can run out with the btc, but as you can see, we no run. We are paying on time as a clock.
Best Regards.