
Topic: ✅✅✅ [ANN] ZICHAIN – BLOCKCHAIN ASSET MANAGEMENT ECOSYSTEM ✅✅✅ - page 78. (Read 26005 times)

Activity: 29
Merit: 0
I'm hesitating whether I should choose your project and another one. So how you will convince me?
Maan, it depends on you of course, but I would definitely choose Zichain, more transparent in my view
Ok, appreciate you help
Sure! But honestly it is also dependent on the second project. Its ideas, team and stuff you know
I'd rather investigate all this and we continue our dispute Cool
Activity: 111
Merit: 0
I'm hesitating whether I should choose your project and another one. So how you will convince me?
Maan, it depends on you of course, but I would definitely choose Zichain, more transparent in my view
Ok, appreciate you help
Sure! But honestly it is also dependent on the second project. Its ideas, team and stuff you know
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
I'm hesitating whether I should choose your project and another one. So how you will convince me?
Maan, it depends on you of course, but I would definitely choose Zichain, more transparent in my view
Ok, appreciate you help
Activity: 111
Merit: 0
I'm hesitating whether I should choose your project and another one. So how you will convince me?
Maan, it depends on you of course, but I would definitely choose Zichain, more transparent in my view
Activity: 282
Merit: 10
This is a project that has an awesome concept. The future of the project should be successful and run as expected.
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
I'm hesitating whether I should choose your project and another one. So how you will convince me?
Activity: 111
Merit: 0
Your project looks interesting . To get quick and positive responses, you must try listing your coin on ICO Guide
Yeah, it's very good I've heard about it. Strangely, they are not there yet Shocked
Activity: 111
Merit: 0
Hello team. Amazing sales fees.
Excellence vision,  detailed and profitable website!
Profitable website? Cheesy Sounds weird, but I get you. Project is pretty much legit
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
CoinFollow ICO aggregator published Zichain (ZCN) project. Average rating is available here
They've committed the mistake: it says ICO ends in 57 days, but technically it's not ICO now
Right! Didn't notice it too Sad so pre-sale and ICO are different things as far as I get it
sr. member
Activity: 297
Merit: 250
CoinFollow ICO aggregator published Zichain (ZCN) project. Average rating is available here
They've committed the mistake: it says ICO ends in 57 days, but technically it's not ICO now
sr. member
Activity: 297
Merit: 250
Greetings all! I'm interested on this project. I will wait for this to see what is going to occur!
Hello! I also have a huge interest in it Wink I think it's gonna be awesome at the end
sr. member
Activity: 297
Merit: 250
Does Zichain has an Instagram account? Do you post there frequently?
No, we don't.
But you can follow our other news channels:
Ok, thanks for listing them once again  Wink
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 104
FoggyStar Official
The fact you've been ranked on ICOmarks that high is very cool!
Doing our best!
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 104
FoggyStar Official
Never seen an alternative to Theindex fund. Thank you for bringing it in!
Thank you!
We are working on making cryptocurrency world accessible for everybody.
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 104
FoggyStar Official
Congrats on new advisor. It's cool you interest experienced people!
Thank you! We appreceate your support.
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 104
FoggyStar Official
Truly think that BAMP will make life of investotrs much easier, but please, could you release it sooner, we are all waiting
As we are making only a high quality products it will take some time. Please, stay with us and you will be surprised with the results!
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 104
FoggyStar Official
Personally I feel like the project will succeed! Wish you all the best
Thank you very much!
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 104
FoggyStar Official
Does Zichain has an Instagram account? Do you post there frequently?
No, we don't.
But you can follow our other news channels:
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
I believe this plan is very good and nice!
Excellence design, percipient vision,  good idea.
full member
Activity: 211
Merit: 100
Never seen an alternative to Theindex fund. Thank you for bringing it in!
Pretty excited to use it too
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