Welcome to the Hirocoin Promotion Challenge ! The prize is currently 103,374 HIRO, and rising ( 0.88 BTC at current price ! )
These are the goals of this challenge :
- To increase Hirocoin brand awareness
- To get investors and miners more interested in Hirocoin
- To draw in more talented people to the Hirocoin Development Community
This is going to be a massive marketing push fueled by the crowd, an awesome force multiplier.
Participants will compete to win a huge Hirocoin prize, donated by the community. The prize pot will likely keep growing until the challenge ends.
The prize will be awarded to the person who impresses us the most with the effect of his efforts. If something goes viral, that will almost certainly win, as a successful viral campaign is the holy grail of marketing.
Hard work or creative use of material also has a high likelihood of paying off.
What kind of promotion, stunt or campaign is used is entirely up to you. You can use any medium you like, social media, video, music, art, forums, etc.
Rules : - Everything must be truthful
- No breaking of forum rules or other regulations
- Hirocoin dev community members can’t compete
The challenge will run for 20 days, after which the three current department leaders ( Xander Shepherd, Omar Galal and Joeri Pross ) will pick a winner and award the grand prize.
Suggested material to use :Do you own Hirocoins and do you want to support this ? Donate to the prize pot !
A successful campaign will likely increase the value of your Hirocoin portfolio.
Joeri Pross manages the prize pot and is personally responsible for the Hirocoins in it. All coins will be used for this challenge, and if for any reason the challenge is cancelled, all coins will be returned to their respective donors.