I've been mining this coin for about 2 weeks SOLID. I'm pretty confident that it will be a solid coin of the future.
If i can recommend anything, it would be to have it accepted at any shop.
All these alt coins come out, but EVERY coins main purpose seems to be listed on an exchange. Make this coin something worth trading for actual products.
I'd much rather use these HIRO coins to purchase things rather than trade for BTC and use it. I'm sure the dev team has queried a few places, but if any of the current community has something... please step forward!
I've contacted a number of websites to accept cryptocurrencies in general, but usually do not get a follow up response.
One idea i've had was to create a MOD through dragonbytetech to work with their vbulletin mod VBShop.
http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/product/50-vbshop/The idea is quite simple, and wouldn't require much more effort on their part. The shops are controlled by any member of the site who has the permissions to be a "Shop Owner".
They can then choose to accept paypal, site specific currencies (usually from creating posts), or in this case-cryptocurrency!
Why hasn't this been added yet? I have no idea. To me it's a homerun, but so many retailers lack the understanding of this world we love. It's on us to try and educate them!