In order to get us where the most of us prefer to be, I have a serious suggest to consider. Basically it is a no-brainer: Burn some coins.
At least for 2 reasons:
1) Forcing the value to increase.
A increased value will on it's turn lead us to a better image. And a decent image is like gold.
2) The currency would be taken more seriously.
There are already way too much high supply coins around. As everybody knows, rare things come with a (high) price and vice versa.
So, high supply coins will result as good as certain in a low value, and last maybe not least a addition of very slow growth and recognition aren't a exception.
It's almost a common global rule of thumb: products with a high supply = easy available = low value (inflation of fiat-currencies are almost a direct example).
On the other side, products with a low supply which aren't easy available are expensive (for example the GPU-market last couple of years)
A crucial thing to take in note; CBTC is a high supply coin and on the top of that, the market is already heavily saturated by high supply coins!
Read again.
Yes definitely,nowadays there
is a
high supply available of high supply coins!CBTC shouldn't pursue that philosophy, cuz the competition is huge as well.
I'm no financial expert or so, my profession irl has even nothing (directly) to do with marketing, finances or whatsoever. Neither related to IT.
But I have a curious mindset & a tech- and hardwarejunkie
Probably like many of us I guess, and that's a huge advantage to the vast majority.
Except, crypto is not just all about hashrates, temps, blockchains and other technical stuff.
Thriving in CC-world won't be accomplished by a sign up at & a configured miner while watching some cocky mainstream propaganda channels.
Knowledge of (basic) economics is another essential thing which should be considered if you want to succeed, so I started to read in order to gather this knowledge.
To educate myself, ya see. To wise up!
One more thing; pay attention what happens with coins which have a small limited supply of 21- or 18.4 Million coins for example
In real life I prefer to be true, I'm no hypocrate.
Therefor I would agree to burn a part of my coins. That's fair to the community and it is a balanced consideration too imo. (no whale shit)