I think the fact that Cryptopia doesn't simply compile untrusted code rather makes them different from Cryptsy. Wasn't it malicious code injected by some coin (lucky7coin or so) that brought Cryptsy down in the first place..?
Supposedly, but I think it's widely believed that Vern just took the money and ran (to China), and the lucky7 exploit thing was just an excuse/ruse.
Re: Cryptopia, they didn't open an issue on GitHub, and I'm assuming they didn't ask for help on irc. If you come to the land of trolls asking for help at the last minute, don't be surprised if you get trolled.
libraries downloaded by the toolchain are public and open source.
Those very same libraries (boost, openssl, qrencode, qt, berkeley-db, miniupnc,...) are used by many altcoin and Bitcoin. For more info
Building headless Bitcoin and Bitcoin-qt on Windows. Compare the libraries with for instance
https://gist.github.com/kostaz/19729e6d53adc5d1606c BTW the OSX DMG Build was added today
https://anoncoin.net/downloads/ Checksum: MD5 40FFC15255518EC30D6678EA3469C313 SHA-1 0C4E8F229EE09F8F1CDD8F500496F510A21A8A0A
I have updated a
procedure for building anoncoind, anoncoin-cli and anoncoin-qtc without the toolchain on Ubuntu and Debian, for people who need it. Also good to check the Bitcoin guide
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/build-unix.mdIf you want to build anoncoind and anoncoin-cli without using the toolchain.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install g++ git automake
sudo apt-get install autoconf make libtool pkg-config libqt4-network libqtgui4
After the dependencies got installed, download anoncoin and configure the building process.
git clone https://github.com/Anoncoin/anoncoin.git
cd anoncoin
If you encounter any error.
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev git libdb++-dev libssl-dev
If you encounter configure: error: libdb_cxx headers missing.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
Now launch the configure again.
If you want to compile the GUI (anoncoin-qtc). After "make", anoncoin-qtc will be found in src/qt/.
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
./configure --with-gui=qt4
Now after a succesful configure ending, launch the build.
make -j`nproc`
You now have built src/anoncoind, src/anoncoin-cli and maybe src/qt/anoncoin-qtc.
The executables are quite big because they are built with GCC and you can strip the debug symbols, which reduces the executable size by about 90%.
strip src/anoncoind
strip src/anoncoin-cli
strip src/qt/anoncoin-qtc
Setup of first run in command line.
Anoncoind and anoncoin-cli will have been created in anoncoin/src folder. To run it the first time, with no previous datadir (if it exists from a previous version please remove everything in ~/.anoncoin but not wallet.dat).
mkdir ~/.anoncoin
cp doc/anoncoin.conf.sample ~/.anoncoin/anoncoin.conf
nano ~/.anoncoin/anoncoin.conf
In anoncoin.conf, change rpcuser, rpcpassword
For clearnet-only comment onlynet=i2p and in i2p.options set enabled=0
For I2P-only uncomment onlynet=i2p and in i2p.options set enabled=1
For I2P and clearnet (mixed mode) comment onlynet=i2p and in i2p.options set enabled=1
For I2P router configuration and settings check https://wiki.anoncoin.net/How_to_setup_your_Anoncoin_wallet#Using_the_command_line_to_generate_a_random_anoncoin_address_and_run_anoncoind_with_I2P
Execute anoncoind and anoncoin-cli
src/anoncoin-cli getinfo
src/anoncoin-cli getchaintips