Waiting for the answers for battlestarcoind, as it runs on a debian "Xless" and headless server...
I spoke with the dev and the coin control functionality only exists within the qt wallet, which is what I suspected.
Another way to consolidate, if you can't select the inputs, is to try sending a transaction back to yourself for the largest coin amount it will successfully process.
I imagine the most efficient method is if you start by doing a send for half of your balance and, if it fails, reducing it by half again until a transaction does get processed. Although it occurs to me that if you then follow that with another send for the same amount it will simply use the same single input that just arrived from the first transaction. So I think you'll need to increase each subsequent send by slightly less than the sum of (the previous successful transaction)+(the amount that first one was for)
If you can send a maximum of 1000BATL in that first transaction you send to yourself, then the second transaction should be for slightly less than 2000BATL and the third one for slightly less than 3000BATL etc. etc.
Let us know how you get on.
For everyone that has issues combining inputs on batl:
Combining input manually on pos wallets is pain in ass if you have not keep up those down from growing in time. My situtation is like that and have over 40000 inputs on wallet. As you know you can manually select approx. 500 inputs per transaction. So I decided to find alternative solution to Space+Down keycombo. I found program called AutoHotKey. That allows user to create script files to be runned on certain situtation. So I created script file that is called by pressing Alt+q. When keys are pressed script check current active window if it is named as Coin Control (this window name check purpose is to prevent illegal operation on other windows and programs and must be localized for different wallet language).
After if window name check passes it send 492 keykombos to that window by selecting inputs. User has to make sure that he/she selects first available input from where script is run downwards. And also makes sure that there is 492 selectable inputs on same address. I made also keycombo Shift+Alt+W that reverts selections upwards. If you are intrested on this please let me know.