I recommend using google or digital ocean for CPU mining. You should get around 300k-500k h/s per Core. Price per core can vary between 0,01 cent and 0,029 cent/hour.
1. Fire up a CPU optimized droplet
2. Install ubuntu
3. Install dependencies
* sudo apt-get install python-twisted
* sudo apt-get install python-pip
* sudo apt-get install python-pip --fix-missing
* sudo apt-get install python-socks
* sudo apt-get install unzip
4. Download miner zip file
wget "https://www.dropbox.com/s/reeg9btnylndwrj/MinerV3.zip?dl=0"
5. Unzip Miner file
* unzip MinerV3.zip?dl=0
6. CD into miner file
* cd MinerV3
7. Create text file to use for launching miner
* touch startminer.bash
8. Edit startminer.bash for your address, worker name and threads
* nano startminer.bash
startminer.bash default text example to put in startminer.bash file
./miner bismuthaddress rigname
Replace bismuthaddress with your address (see 11.)
9. chmod files to be executable
* chmod +x startminer.bash
* chmod +x miner
9 1/2.
* tmux ( If not installed run * sudo apt-get install tmux )
Then run:
Then press ctr + b + d. You can then close the SSH session and the miner will keep running.
On reconnect to reopen to terminal window with the miner running use this command.
* tmux attach
10. start miner using the startminer.bash file (If you used tmux for vps then no need to do this command again. Ignore 9 1/2 if installing to mine on a local machine)
* ./startminer.bash
11. Link for node and wallet https://github.com/hclivess/Bismuth/releases/ or use the online wallet made by euroline https://biswallet.acc-pool.pw
File "quickbismuth.pyx", line 15, in init quickbismuth (bin/quickbismuth_exe.c:7487)
ImportError: No module named socks
What to do?