My i7 3770k + amd fx8320 and my E5-2690 have not found 1 accepted single block
Yes i got many unconfirmed but all of them disappeared
Its ammazing that i see almost every 10 minutes a new block being found, however non are being found by anyone other then those special people getting them all
I think it depends on your network connectivity. When the 0.8.6 patch was released on Sunday I rebuilt my blockchain from scratch on a new machine but the block chain forked! I was still running 0.8.5 on my other box, and the two chains were running in parallel. It took about six hours for the "new" chain to reconnect with the "old" one and the reorg orphaned around 50 blocks (two of which were mined by me, though the diff was lower so I probably didn't lose out).
I suspect this is an issue at the moment due to the low number of miners on the network, but perhaps some additional seed IPs in the config would help (I'm not on a static IP, so I can't volunteer here).
Anyway my single Lancelot FPGA board has mined a total 11 blocks since I started mining 24/7 four days ago, so I'm not the one sitting on the big pile of loot.