Hello, please tell me, I can not fully understand how the project will work?
Tell me, at which points you can not understand, maybe I can answer your questions?
In principle, I'm interested in the nuances of work? How will the employer look for those who can do the work? Will the distribution of proposals for some specific criteria?
You can say so. Freelancers can create lists that represent their services and find them on the web using a web client. And Employers can search for all listings from the same web client or publish their own offers, available for search by freelancers. Actually this way the customer and the executor can interact.
And what is the advantage of the project? Why should people choose this platform? Are there any advantages over competitors?
The first advantage is that the storage and distribution of lists occurs on the basis of a peer-to-peer network, which means that there is no need for servers. They do not need to support an online client on the Internet; offers just live in the cloud. It seems to me that this will reduce the percentage of transactions charged by the platform for the maintenance of the technical part of the project.
Secondly, the best conditions are provided in the freelance market, convenience with work, percentage of transactions, and scalability.
And how will the disputes between the employer and the contractor be resolved? After all, incidents often happen when one or another side dishonestly fulfills the conditions!
A good question, I can assure you that the resolution of disputes is a very deep system that has been tested for a long time! If you want to know more about this, I advise you to read the technical document of the project!
Briefly describe this, then:
When the dispute is concluded:
The winning side gets the contract value from escrow, his staked rep, and the rep. Of the minority voted mods.
The losing side, the losers, the stolen, the, the, the, the,
The majority vote mods get proportionally to their stakes.
The minority vote mods lose their reputation at stake to the winning side.