Error: Could not find or load main class pocminer.POCMiner
And after I have tried it about 100000000 times it works, until I reboot
Can someone explain what the fuck is going on?
what aboute pocminer with pocminer_pool for linux?
I have
Error: Unable to get mining info from wallet
Thats gotta be because you didnt do these steps
Step 4: Double click the run_dump_address .bat file
Step 5: check the address .txt file and retrieve your your account #
Example for address is:
Found address: *whateverpassyouentered* -> *youraccount#*
Example for this is:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\java -Xmx1000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate *youraccount#* *plot#tostartwith* *plot#toendwith* 1000 4
Look at the guide: