HardInvest Pays, PetaByte pays - people buying a 1TB harddisk instead of 1 Petabyte Asset would get a better ROI. BTW - How big is your plot now ?
And like I said, I admire Tiga's and Crow's tolerance of you - I'm about to lose mine.
Calc.exe calculates numbers that a teacher of Burstcoin would be aware of.
cmd.exe does file manipulation and concatenation amongst other miraculous things.
As for my Teacher, they would admit that I correctly and accurately answered the questions asked.
Any reasonable person basically aware with Burstcoin mining and the use of computers would agree that a self proclaimed expert in/teacher of, burstcoin should not need to ask those questions.
Did you actually read the question? Did you understand the question?
So how do you distinguish WHICH nonce is in the file? I cannot find a way to do that with a calculator. TEACH me how to do that!!!
How can I combine two plotfiles? calc nor cmd would tell me. TEACH me how to do that!!!
So, do you know the answers, yes or no, can you reveal them here please?
Yes, I get tired of the two people who cannot answer question, lock me out of the forum, when asking and hide all details.