How to install burst Wallet & miner on a Synology NASLog as admin into DSM through you web browser
Go to package center and install Java Manager
Once installed, Java isn't installed yet, open the application and follow the instruction to install it.
To resume:
Go to the java SE Download Page, accept the license and download the Linux x86 version (must be jdk-7u75-linux-i586.tar.gz at time writing this tutorial)
When your download is finished, select the file in java manager and click OK. After few seconds Java will be installed.
Next, Go to Control Panel, Shared folder and create a new folder say "BurstCoin". It will hold your burstcoin wallet/miner/plotter and plot.
Give read/write access to your user.
Then go to Control Panel, Terminal & SNMP and activate Enable SSH service. Write down the port number.
You can now close DSM.
Mount this newly created Folder into your computer with your user rights.
Download the latest burst Wallet (go to and click "Download Wallet")
Extract it in your Burst Folder.
Download the linux miner (go to and click "Uray Burst Miner (Linux x64)")
Extract it in your Burst folder.
I highly recommend to plot your nas with a computer instead of your nas itself as your computer have much more ram. To do that, I recommend linking your nas in Gigabit Ethernet to your Computer. I personally plotted 8,5TB in about a week with a CPU plotter as Gpu crashed every time.
When everything is extracted your folder should be like this:
\\Diskstation\Burstcoin\burst_1.2.2 the wallet
\\Diskstation\Burstcoin\burst-miner-r4 the miner
\\Diskstation\Burstcoin\plots all your plots files
Time to configure everything:
Wallet configuration:Edit the burst_1.2.2\conf\ and edit the following lines: add your personal extern ip address
Now under burst_1.2.2 folder edit the file like that :
cd /volume1/BurstCoin/burst_1.2.2
nohup /volume1/@appstore/JavaManager/Java/jre/bin/java -cp burst.jar:lib/*:conf nxt.Nxt > output_$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S").log 2>&1 &
This command let start the wallet and export result into the file output.log containing date in the wallet folder.
Assuming volume1 the name of volume you are using for your storage (will see that later).
Miner configuration:edit the burst-miner-r4\mining.conf
Edit plots path like
Also configure poolurl as you want.
Now under the burst-miner-r4 folder create a file with this content:
cd /volume1/BurstCoin/burst-miner-r4
nohup ./burstminer > output_$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S").log 2>&1 &
Same as the wallet, miner result will be stored in an output.log containing start date in miner folder.
Configuration of wallet and miner are now over, let configure your Synology to start it automatically on startup.
Connect to your Synology over SSH with Putty if you are on windows or in console if under Linux
Login as root & use your admin password
First check your name volume: type
You will have some result, your Volume name is the first folder in path.
Modify previous and miner configuration file with this name.
Create or edit the file /etc/rc.local this file is read at startup of your NAS every time.
Write the following line in it:
# Wait a while this will permit you to update wallet or miner on startup before files get locked
sleep 60
#Start Wallet
sh /volume1/BurstCoin/burst_1.2.2/
#Start Miner
sh /volume1/BurstCoin/burst-miner-r4/
Everything is now up. Reboot your Synology.
To help network you should route Port 8123 in your NAT.
However you should NOT route port 8125, your wallet is still accessible from lan only
Do NOT route ssh port, You should disable it on DSM if you don't use it.
You can access your wallet with
http://SynologyIP:8125Check miner stats on pool or in the log created.
Edit : I can't post this Thread on official Burstcoin forum as I can't Post link... if someone can copy it, thanks