The pool at needs miners. There is also an asset you can buy into there that will provide you with extra income. The connection was killed at a very unfortunate time, and thus the pool lost quite a few of it's miners. Now I am going to do this in order to get some back! So, here goes...
The next 25 miners to join the pool, PM me with their burst address, and wait for me to see them on the list of stats on the pool, will be sent 1,500 burst!
The 25 after that to do the same thing, will receive 1,000 burst.
The 25 after that will receive 750 burst.
We will start with that, and see how it goes. I am more than willing to do more giveaways.
The pool server has been solid now for a good while since the incident with the storm, and we shouldn't be experiencing issues like that again. So, let's get our power back and become the pool that we can be!
**Note, I also have another pool that's unofficially related to this pool, but it's private and no fee, and located in the US. If you're interested in that pool you can PM me. Not sure how long it will stick around, or if I will merge with the other pool, it all depends on the miner count and blocks found, etc.**
gotcha, as soon as I see ya in stats I'll send the 1500. Thanks for joining!
FYI everyone, this guy is number 18!
Your pool seems to be broke.
The pool is up, there are currently 43 miners connected. Make sure you use
Have been mining fine for the last few hours untill now so not sure but not my end here as I have not changed or edited anything and using the pool info above.
weird... the pool is up, you can see stats here...