Hi everyone,
After many hours of setup I finally made it. I have a 1Tb generation in progress and 3x100Gb already finished.
I would like to test the V2 pool but I haven't any BURST for now. Could someone send me 1 BURST to test it please ? Here is my address : BURST-YA29-QCEW-QXC3-BKXDL.
Regarding the plot generation, I found an OpenCL implementation of Shabal (
https://github.com/aznboy84/X15GPU/blob/master/kernel/shabal.cl) that could be used to make a GPU version of the generator. I will try to work on it when I have some free time.
Hi everyone,
As promised I have been working on a GPU plot generator on the last few days. I made a little program built on top of OpenCL, and it seems to work pretty well in CPU mode. Unfortunately, I can't test the GPU mode as it requires a very powerfull graphic card (with at least 46kB private memory per compute unit, because the algorithm needs at least 4096*64 static bytes to store an entire plot).
Here is a preview you can test for now :
gpuPlotGenerator-src- :
gpuPlotGenerator-bin-win-x86- :
I will build another release in the end of the day with some minor improvements (threads per compute unit selection, output of OpenCL error codes, improvement of the Makefile to generate the distribution directly).
I will also try to figure out another mean to dispatch the work between the GPU threads to reduce the amount of private memory needed by the program.
For the windows people, you can use the binary version directly.
For the linux people, just download the source archive, make sure to modify the OpenCL library and lib path in the makefile (and maybe the executable name), and build the project via "make". To run the program, you need the "kernel" and the "plots" directories beside the executable.
The executable usage is : ./gpuPlotGenerator
The parameters are the same as the original plot generator, without the threads number.
If you find bugs or if you want some new features, let me now.
If you want to support me, here are my Bitcoin and Burst addresses :
Bitcoin: 138gMBhCrNkbaiTCmUhP9HLU9xwn5QKZgD