I've downloaded the 1.0.3 client, and set up a wallet. I got 2 BURST from the faucet.
I did not generate a plot yet.
I downloaded "burst-pool-miner" from http://burst-pool.cryptoport.io/howto.html and followed the steps up to submitting but not including launching the miner on Windows (because I don't have a plot yet). After hitting submit I was taken to a page that looked like JSON output. I wasn't sure if I had to wait here for something?? I closed it. 1 BURST was deducted from my wallet.
Before launching the miner, I started creating a plot by running "C:\burst\burst-pool-miner>java -Xmx4000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate THEREISALONGNUMBERHERE 1 8191 8191 1". The only output I got/currently see is "Generating from nonce: 1" (it has been about 15 minutes now). Then I opened "run_mine.bat" and I see "{"baseTarget":"7909016","height":"9965","generationSignature":"7d7dc951c487affbdbb9491da132ad91638b93fb9e09a2f7ce994654198838b4"}" repeated over and over along with some read errors occasionally.
I currently have both those windows open.
Am I set up and running correctly?