What should I say about Charm?
- It has a fair value - you will get this value, if the project should be closed - i.e. The values behind Charm backs the amount on the market - any time. We published two times, and we working on a solution, to show it in every time. A kind of informations about Charm...
- It is on the crypto market. You can buy it. The market has a value - allways. Maybe more, maybe less as the fair value.
- It is only a small amount reachable for the market at this time. Later it will be organised other ICO's for Charm on other ledgers... We reserved the amount already. And if the market needs more Charm - we are able to issue any time new amount - from our reserves. Of course with new values behind Charm - paralell... Maybe with new custodians. Maybe with other kind of values. Not allways jewelry. Why not?
- It is usable as bitcoin. You can use it in smart contracts on the byteball ledger - if you wish.
- we don't say - it is everything ready. We are reached a milestone - Charm is already a well backed and well usable crypto! It was only in a small portion distributed - and it is enough at this time. Just try it
- we devepoling agile. This is a milestone - we show, what we planned, already working - of course with a reduced set of requirements. But usable. Maybe more better, as i.e. a paper money - i.e.: bitcoin
or USD
Many thanks for interesting and support...
Please try our Charm and Kisses - and please ask your government about the possible tax for Charm and Kisses. Of course in your language - I think it should be enough
I think it will be no a big problem to decide for the experts - they has no any tax!! I am sure. Just ask they - better if you get a paper about it
Please share your "tax free" papers here
Charm is at this time a kind of "private" money. A money for a little group of people. For a family or a small organisation. They know each other well..... They trust in the issuer, they knows everything about the possibilities in this small group. Where can we find such crypto's in the coinmarketcap.com ? No similar "big" projects... They fit in "other" categories...... The only market - it wins only since many years!!! Please see the actual state about it:
The best index in crypto world - I think
And just compare it with "Nasdaq", "SP500", ...
I am curious...