I'm still trying to understand the concept though. I saw one of the auctions closed without a bid, so I think people also need to understand it more. Why would I want to bid for a share of an emerald, esp when starting is at 0.5 BTC? Could you help explain?
I'm sorry, I'm traveling... A little late, but here is the answer:
Many thanks for you - for interesse about our project on Byteball Ledger. Many thanks for your work to understand it. Just ask questions, it is good for me also, to see, what was not good written, what was not enough detailed.
I stopped this two auctions, because of lack of any interesse. I got this two jewerlies, and started a trip around europe, to get some money for our development. The remained auctions has also no interesse - but it isn´t because price, I think, it is because this project is very unique, nobody knows, what will be happens, how can somebody invest in, when and what a profit will be made.
I think for this emerald 0.5 bitcoin a good price. Just consider the option - to build a cell.
Later Dorothyum will produce profit.
Every Cell will have a Stake in Dorothyum. Every Cell will be honored because this Stake.
At the beginning Charm is cheap. i.e.:
(some valuables before the emerald i.e.: 150000 USD)
divided by 1 000 000 000.
0.00015 USD (a ~hunderst of a cent)
The emerald has a value (~3100 USD) - it is possible to back some Charm with this emerald. 3100 USD / 0.00015 USD = 21 000 000 pieces of Charm. But at this time the price of Charm is fixed to Byteball - more cheaper, as before in this bear-market. We waiting for the first trades...
And the "Cell Value" is a decision of cell members at this time. We used above 40 000 000 Charm as Cell Value i.e.
Later it will be added many valuables.
Later will be Charm more expensive. Because more valuables behind. The emerald and then valuables more as 10 000 000 USD i.e.
If it will be offered a new emerald - Charm will have a bigger price:
((some valuables before the emerald i.e.: 150000 USD) +
(the value of the first emerald i.e. 3100 USD) +
10 000 000 USD)
divided by 1 000 000 000.
It is ~1 cent. (0.0101531)
If we take a new emerald with same value (3100 USD), and we made a new cell - the Cell Value will be more smaller. 3100 USD / 0.010531 = 300 000 Charm
The first Cell will be earn more as the second Cell (the base is the Cell Value for every Cell):
40 000 000 / 300 000 = ~133 x more. In percents: 13300 % more !
On an effective market a such attribute will be rewarded...... But it is a start of the market - no such reward will be made - I think. But later...
Comments, questions are welcome.