Your OP ticks multiple boxes for being a scam, which is why any forum member with experience who has posted here has expressed great skepticism at your noble claims.
What leads you to think that simply launching a cryptocurrency for charity is going to bring in new money?
Why, as well, would you fail so badly at launching this coin if you, supposedly, are able to count on the resources of someone as connected as Billy Berlusconi? Couldn't you hire a decent coin coder or launch team?
BTW, as for asking why people keep demanding new coins come with new tech, why label this coin as having 'innovative' proof-of-heart or 'anti-scam' tech if those labels don't actually mean anything?
We hired a coin developer but it turned out, as you probably all noticed, that the job wasn't done in properly. Thus we are fixing these problems.
The Proof of Heart can be seem as a metaphorical figure, contrary to the negative spirit which can be seen in most places where crypto is involved. Sadly yet again, regarding our initial coin dev this gets proven again.
The greed in this business is without borders.
I don't really grasp how you can still believe we are scamming with all the prove of our identities we delivered so far. What from the things we've shown doesn't seem legit to you? And what more would you like to see?
I hope we can satisfy you with more proof of identity in the future.