It's fairly deceptive to slowly leak your investment into Just-Dice at the opening rather than investing what you had to start with.
I don't think so. While it is true that I didn't invest all my coins at once, I wasn't aiming to deceive anyone. The whole reason for having a crowd-sourced bankroll is that I never wanted to have too high a percentage of the bankroll. It's risky bankrolling a dice site, and I would rather that risk be shared between multiple investors.
I understand though and it's just part of the game when you corner a market, but still want to appear fair.
I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but you owned more CLAMs than I did when Just-Dice launched with CLAMs. I mentioned to you that I was working on getting the CLAM client into a state that it would work with Just-Dice and you immediately set about buying up all the CLAMs you could. If anyone was trying to "corner a market", it was you.
I have just over 500 in my wallet [...]. Can I reasonably expect to average 1 a day?
I look at it like this:
Just-Dice is staking 1134k CLAMs at the moment, and stakes around
1220 times per day. Dividing those two numbers, it takes 929 CLAMs to stake once per day.
Note that CLAM outputs have zero weight for the first 4 hours after they arrive in your wallet. They don't start trying to stake until they have rested for 4 hours after being involved in a transaction, and so the estimated time to stake won't drop until 4 hours after any new CLAMs are deposited to your wallet.
BTW this has nothing to do with the ongoing controversy. I have nothing but admiration for Dooglus and Deb. I am willing to give up the bankroll proceeds to help the CLAMS network. LLTGC
I agree with what you are doing. A few days ago someone withdrew 17k CLAMs and split them into piles of 100 for staking. I think this is good for CLAM as a whole, to have the staking distributed more.
Just curious, why do you say "in a month"? I thought coin age doesn't really matter with clam staking.. unless I'm missing something.
Coin age isn't relevant, other than the "510 blocks after staking" and "4 hours after transacting" rules. After that, each 1 CLAM has a weight of 1. After a month, your balance will have grown by X%, but the total network stake will probably have also grown by X% and so your share of it will be roughly constant. And that's ignoring the effect of digging, which will cause your share to slightly reduce. But also ignoring the effect of some people (eg. poloniex) not staking, which will cause your share to slightly increase...
I am not sure I understand, why do I see the weight of stacks grow with age?
Are you saying that a 10 day old stack of 20 with a 200 weight has the same chance to stake as a stack of 20 with 1 weight?
If so I have been pretty lucky in spite of myself over the past year
I think what's going on is that the Qt client hasn't been updated to know that stack weights don't increase over time. So it shows the weights increasing over time when they don't really. Stacks of 20 CLAMs all have a weight of 20 once they are mature (and have rested for 4 hours), whatever the Qt client shows. I just checked, and I
removed the 'weight' column from Qt's coincontrol dialog in September.
Maybe you aren't running the latest release, or maybe that change isn't in a released version yet. Either way, it's going to go away. In fact I just noticed that the above commit didn't remove the column fully, it just removed its content. I've now
pushed a change which removes the column itself as well.
Doog did say I was a liar though.
I didn't call you a liar. I called your statement that the CLAM developers were threatening to remove digging "a lie" - since it isn't true.
I said I bought into CLAM on my own research of studying his post. This was a lie and Dooglus was deceptive by not correcting it, but he never lied about it.
Are you saying that I have a responsibility to correct every incorrect statement I see people post, otherwise I am being deceptive? That seems like quite a lot of work you're putting on me.