But Petiton:5afa074c for remove digging has currently the strongest support (36.65% on just-dice).
It's 36.65% of the actively voting shares on Just-dice. 18.7% of all shares.
No, you have that backwards.
it's 36.65% of the whole Just-Dice weight.
50% of the Just-Dice weight didn't cast a vote.
So it's around 73% of the actively voting weight.
ie. 3 out of 4 of the weight that voted for anything voted to stop digging.
To see this, check
https://just-dice.com/misc/clamour_weights.txt - here's a recent version with the numbers made more readable, and with non-5afa votes deleted:
559,190.49019643 49.04% of the Just-Dice.com bankroll abstains from supporting any petition
0.01502096 5afa074c e2ef93da ea06c089 ff839af9
1,090.49167022 02fde4a4 066b223d 5afa074c 7a69a853 ea06c089 eff96b06 ff839af9
3,808.15882920 5afa074c ea06c089 ff839af9
8,657.26219872 5afa074c ff839af9
10,124.50477201 5afa074c 7a69a853 ff839af9
17,614.46605075 5afa074c ea06c089
34,914.56979870 02fde4a4 5afa074c ea06c089 ff839af9
47,721.12550031 5afa074c 7a69a853
131,975.98013010 5afa074c 7a69a853 ea06c089 ff839af9
164,747.32557619 5afa074c
560k didn't vote, representing ~50% of the total
1090 + 3808 + 8657 + 10124 + 17614 + 34914 + 47721 + 131975 + 164747 = 421k votes for 5afa, representing ~37% of the total.
Ahh, I was looking at this, and assumed
the top percentages equaled 100%, They're actually more then 100% because you can vote for multiple Clamour's. At one time, did this display show the combined votes, IE such that the top part did equal 100% of the votes? Maybe I'm dreaming...
# 5afa074c has the support of 37.20% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/5afa074c# ff839af9 has the support of 28.28% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
https://gist.github.com/Kefkius/88e2a1a5c965f4be83e9# ea06c089 has the support of 20.39% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/ea06c089# 7a69a853 has the support of 18.79% of the Just-Dice bankroll
# 02fde4a4 has the support of 5.52% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/02fde4a4# 0000cb61 has the support of 1.63% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/0000cb61# 066b223d has the support of 1.18% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/066b223d# e2ef93da has the support of 0.68% of the Just-Dice bankroll
# 694c26a6 has the support of 0.49% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/694c26a6# c9328886 has the support of 0.49% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/c9328886# eff96b06 has the support of 0.15% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/eff96b06# deaddea1 has the support of 0.10% of the Just-Dice bankroll :
http://txti.es/deaddea1 55401113072445 48.59% of the Just-Dice.com bankroll abstains from supporting any petition