To those among the buyers of these CLAMs: Please consider staking some of them with my pool or on your own. If they all find there way into the JD bankroll, it does nothing to help decentralize the network. In practice I do expect a lot of them to find their way there though.
I support this message. I can understand why someone might be hesitant to move their already-staking CLAMS from JD since they'd be losing out on 4 hours maturity time. But for the new yet-to-be-staked CLAMS, there's no excuse. Decentralize your CLAMS people
In my pool you don't lose out (unless your deposit is huge relative to the pool). I made a deliberate decision not to impose a waiting period on new deposits because at this point and especially earlier existing pool members benefit from growing the pool. You start accruing your share of staking immediately upon deposit.
This can't be gamed because of the rule against excessively frequent deposits and withdraws. If someone tried to deposit, claim an unfair share of the staking, and then withdraw I would consider that a violation of the rule and make an adjustment.
In the future if the pool becomes large I will account for the maturity time on new deposits more explicitly (probably with a small deposit fee that will be paid to existing pool members).