See what happens?
You try to be fair and nice and the angry network spamming faucet operator accuses you of cheating.
I'm trying to be fair, nice and not a turd burger. These are real concerns of myself and other people I speak with privately.
My network spamming faucets are the largest enablers of CLAM on the market. Thousands of people rely on us to get a little free taste of JD... it's hard to say how many people we have brought into CLAM just by giving them a chance if they weren't around May 12, 2014 for that free chance.
I've been meaning to fix the fee system to prevent the penny bloat attacks your faucets implement.
Maybe that will be the next petition/vote.
Do it
If you give my a guide line of "set" rules then we will follow them or close the businesses. No biggie... just do what you are going to do and don't BS us with voting.
You stick your finger into the air, and test the wind.
If it suits you, you want a "vote".
Don't you remember your BTTalk poll to comandeer the SuperClam account?
If it doesn't suit you, it's "BS".
Is there anything that you believe without it personally benefiting you?
Purely because it is logical or "right"?
If you give my a guide line of "set" rules then we will follow them or close the businesses.
You can keep your lies.
You were repeatedly asked to send out faucet payments in batches.
You responded by throwing yet another fit.
Should have done so immediately after the FIRST exchange wallet you put out of commission.
Or atleast, the SECOND.
Those shitcoin exchanges didn't have their wallets set up right... that was entirely my fault.
They improved their methodology of sweeping dust.
That is an important change they needed to make anyways.
That doesn't change the fact that you were informed of what your faucets were doing to other services in the community and responded negatively.
The amount of work we've put into the project as volunteers because we simply believe in what we're doing.
If you believed in what you are doing ... why are we taking a vote to kill it?
No one believes you that it wasn't for money gain on your end... it doesn't make any sense.
It is comical to me how you change your position depending on what will benefit you the most personally.
Correction: it doesn't make sense to
Refer back to: "If it suits you".
After all the money you've made on the back of our work and charity, a person would think you'd have some respect.
I made money on my work. You think you'd have some respect for the people brought in most the major investors and made your shitty little project have some life/services.
CLAM's success is entirely your doing.
Thank you.
If the people involved in this community had spent half of the time they've spent babysitting you, on the project itself instead...
I don't believe you have been a net positive.
You've contributed; but, the venom you bring is hardly worth a faucet and second dig service.
The chain is public; look at the data.
I wasn't even aware crypto existed when "the Digger" created his/her wallets.
And I'm sure this is your first Bitcointalk account.
No, but my creativecuriosity account IS.
BayAreaCoins will be BayAreaCoins.
Thanks for that BAC.
Remember that the next time you want me to bend over backwards and help you out.
With my tinfoil hat and everything... surely you can see where I'm coming from and why it looks like shit. I mean we've had this friggin talk before earlier this year when I had a metric fuckton of Clamcoins.
You've been nothing but a burden for me since day almost one. You've never helped me out and have always been jelly because you felt like I made money off "you" when really it was good trading and hard work.
Up the fees to a dollar, remove digging and do what you will!
La resistance!
This is likely the most ironic part.
I would likely personally "vote" for "No Change".
You would know that if you had paid attention.