I've been asked to make my current thoughts clear.
I don't plan on making any kind of a new coin at the moment. SuperCLAM has stepped up and proposed a polling system (that I don't yet fully understand), and so I am willing to see how that pans out. If we as a community can use the forthcoming polling system to make changes that we want then I don't see the need for a new coin.
I'm not committing to never making a new coin, but I don't think it's likely that I will make one. CLAM is niche enough as it is without further splitting the community into two pieces.
We will get the specifics hammered out.
As I see it, the important part is that the system is fair, provable and reflects the desires of stakeholders.
The first vote should be simplified, so that we can put this current issue to rest and move forward.
But, I think CLAM would be well served if the system as a whole was implemented such that anyone could create and promote a petition for change.
It breaks my heart every time I see contributors to projects with great ideas and working code rebuked by the project's maintainers.
It becomes much more difficult for a maintainer to rebuke a proposal when it comes with the provable support of the network.
I would expect that if the entire issue around Hearn's Lighthouse(?name) had simply been dealt with, much of the animosity in the BTC project could have been avoided.
This also applies to other BIPs and changes which have languished in the BTC project.
It is difficult for a project to move forward without an efficient means to poll the network about support.
Forums, reddit and trollboxes are not suited to polling support - they simply supply little useful data.