Can someone explain what happened to the clamsprice? I thought the price crashed a bit when dental dumped part of his won clams. But that wasn't all that happened, right?
People are still worried(rightfully so) about the guy digging tons of clams. AFAIK he is only 30-40% done with digging his massive amount of btc addresses. Not sure though if anything else is in play.
I'll throw out my theory (opinion).
Assumptions: Digger does not follow the JD-Chat nor Bitcointalk. ( If he did I think he would find an easier way to dispose of his clams).
Price with the digger was holding steady between .0045 - .0055 He wasn't dumping them lower.
So Dental wins 40K on JD. People panic, worried that he is going to dump them all on Poloniex. He did dump 4-6K from an earlier win. People start dumping
and the chicken-little syndrome kicks in (sky is falling). I believe the digger also noticed the price falling and added to the chaos. The price dropped to around .002 before people calmed down.
Now most of the clams were scooped up by traders and are still on Poloniex. As reg investors start to buy back in and move clams off the exchange the price is starting to recover.. We'll probably see the .0045 - .0055 range again in the not to distant future.