I use only a couple of addresses, they are all back-uped and I don't have to buck-up the wallet or private keys every time I receive coins.
You can tell that CLAM creators don't care about this or created the system to steal coins, because it's easy to verify owning the address with a signed message without requiring the private keys. But they want your private keys.
We are not a brand new project.
We have been doing this for over 6 months: not a single loss of coins.
Our offer to delete the entire project if someone could show us a single line of malicious code still stands.
Best practices with Bitcoin, or any derivative crypto, requires that you use a new address for each receive.
Empty the wallet into a new wallet/address.
At that point, your previous address(es) are nothing more than random strings of letters and numbers.
Every single funded address is currently worth something like $4 USD at exchange.
I would trade a random string of worthless letters and numbers for that reward -> any day of the week.