What is good here? Well basically the trustless anonymity because we do not use masternodes. Any wallet with a positive balance is a full node. Besides the anonymity through the Enigma Engine you will earn 6% rewards p.a. for holding CLOAK in your wallet, and you do not need to buy expensive mininghardware, or have 1000++ coins in your wallet to be able to stake or earn Enigma rewards. You can do that with any laptop or even a raspi. That saves you a lot of power costs, too.
If the market wants to see cloak-prices in the mid xx regions or more then a few Cloak staking rewards are qite a lot in fiat! Already now at current prices the staking rewards a fine.
6% per year? And how much money does it take?
6% on the coins you hold in your wallet for 1 year.
10000 CLOAK => 6% => 600 CLOAK p.a.
1000 CLOAK => 6% => 60 CLOAK p.a.
100 CLOAK => 6% => 6 CLOAK p.a.
and so on .... any amount
So all I need to do is keeping cloak in my wallet (Bittrex wallet is okay right?) then wait for 1 year to get 6%? Or 6% will be split to monthly interest?