Cryptsy's response:
RE: Coinfire
I feel I need to give a response to the recent Coinfire article. Like their previous article, they’ve make a lot of claims without giving any kind of proof to their claims. I know many people don’t take coinfire very seriously these days, which is good. However there are some out there that may not really know that the kind of “News” these guys produce is not always reliable.
We have never been investigated for anything, period. We have never gotten any letters from any of the agencies that they have stated in their article, nor have we been contacted via phone or any other method. It’s safe to say that this article and their reporting are completely false. My guess is that whomever wrote this article has personal reasons for writing it and are attempting to hurt our business and reputation.
We will be reviewing our legal options against this libelous article.
Paul Vernon
I must say that after reading the Coinfire article, I have to go with Paul's statement. Coinfire provides no real sources and sites text full of blackouts from unknown sources. VERY unprofessional, looks like a smear campaign. Just my take on it...